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Posted 8 May 2003
THE FIRST HARPER FORUM meeting of the new term takes place this evening at Harper Adams University College, near Newport.Members of the public are welcome to attend the talk, which will be given by Mr John Alvis, on the topic of On Farm Dairy Production, and takes place on campus, in the Lecture Theatre, at 7.30pm.
Mr Alvis business comprises a totally integrated farm unit with a 1000 cow dairy herd, a pig finishing unit, arable enterprise and both organic and conventional cheese manufacture and packaging. He also owns a farm shop selling locally grown produce and runs a considerable farm contracting business.
This is a fine example of a producer, processor and retailer combined into one business and promises to produce a very interesting debate. (Ends)
Notes to Editors: For further information, please contact: Stephen Siddom; E-mail: 12093600@harper-adams.ac.uk Tom Chilcott; E-mail: 12050900@harper-adams.ac.uk John R-McIsaac; Phone: +44 (0) 7816 208 874 or E-mail: jrmcisaac@btopenworld.com
The Harper Forum is a student run society that invites key players, from the various fields where the university has influence, to give up to the minute presentations on topical issues. Subjects covered may be in the news, or perhaps a ‘heads-up’ on new technologies, policies or methodologies emerging. It is an opportunity for students, staff and members of the public from the area to learn directly what is happening, or more importantly what is about to happen.
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