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    Posted 21 May 2003

    HOW DO I BECOME a Chartered Surveyor? What do I need to do to get a career in Off Road Vehicle Design? Is there a future for me in Agriculture?

    College students wondering where to go and what to do next in their education or career pose these and many similar questions each year. Now, help is at hand in the form of the Higher Education Choices conference, which will be held at Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, on July 7 – 8, 2003.

    Formerly known as the National Sixth Form Conference, this international event has a fourteen-year history of helping as many as 250 young people a year obtain the information they need to take the next important step in their career.

    The benefits of experiencing university life before you finally decide where to go and what to do, and the importance of making sure you have all the facts before deciding what direction to take your career in, should not be under-estimated.

    Best of all, the experience will not make too large a dent in your pocket either. The conference fee, which includes all your meals, accommodation, entertainment and a conference pack stuffed full of freebies, including the exclusive Question Mark T-Shirt, is just £25. Apply with a friend and you’ll pay just £35 in total, so what have you got to lose?

    For further information and an application pack, please ring +44 (0) 1952 815 265, E-mail or log on to the Website:


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