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Posted 16 June 2003
AN INNOVATIVE PRODUCT FRESHNESS Indicator, developed by a student from Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, has won its inventor a total of more than £3,000 and a place at a National Innovation Competition final.Philip Burrows, 23, a final year BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Land and Farm Management student, is originally from Attleborough, near Norwich, Norfolk. He has already picked up a cheque for £1,000 from the Mercia Institute of Enterprise, after his concept for Fresh Tec won the Harper Adams round of Bizcom – a business innovation competition.
As the Harper Adams winner, Philip and Fresh Tec went on to the West Midlands Regional Final where the idea was judged a close second, beating concepts from the Business Schools of universities such as Aston, Birmingham, Keele, UCE, Stafford and Warwick.
Philip’s success will now see him entered into the UK final of the Lord Stafford National Innovation Competition. He will also receive a further cheque for £1,500 later this month, at a gala dinner for the West Midland’s Regional Finalists, and has secured a grant of a further £590 to attend a two-day ‘innovation boot camp’ at Cambridge University.
Paul Adkins, Senior Lecturer at Harper Adams and co-ordinator for the Bizcom heat held at the University College, said: “Hearty congratulations and well done to Phil, who put a lot of hard work into the preparation of his submission and his very professional presentation.
“I believe this is fantastic news for Harper Adams and in particular, a wonderful validation of all our efforts.”
Caption (L-R): Harper Adams student Philip Burrows receives his initial £1,000 cheque, in the presence of Senior Lecturer Paul Adkins, from Lord Stafford.
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