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    Posted 9 June 2003

    HARPER ADAMS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE has received the prestigious Investor in People award, having met the assessment standard across the entire campus.

    Paul Lowe, a representative of Business Link, Shropshire, attended the University College on June 6, 2003, to officially present the IIP standard to Principal Professor Wynne Jones and Chairman of Governors’ Tony Burgess.

    Professor Jones said: “As a University College specialising in land-based Higher Education, we are extremely pleased to have achieved the unusual feat of receiving Investor in People accreditation across the entire college at our first attempt.

    “We join an exclusive club of only 31 Higher Education institutions who have achieved this. Our staff should be congratulated on their commitment to the process.”


    Caption (L-R): Harper Adams’ Chairman of Governors Tony Burgess, Business Link’s Paul Lowe and Principal Professor Wynne Jones at the presentation of the IIP award.

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