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    Posted 23 June 2003

    A £3.5 MILLION CONSTRUCTION project on the campus of Harper Adams University College is well advanced towards a September completion date.

    The new Learning Resources and Engineering Design Centre will house the College’s library, computing resources and an engineering design suite sponsored by JCB Ltd. It will also incorporate a number of environmental features including a natural ventilation system to reduce reliance on mechanical services and rainwater harvesting.

    With just a few short weeks to go before the new centre is due to open, project leaders say the building is nearing the ‘topping out’ stage with elements of the roof already in place and the installation of electricity services underway.

    As part of the wider redevelopment of student facilities, the University College is also planning to construct a new gym adjacent to the existing sports hall. This gym will replace an older facility and will provide a much-improved venue, for this aspect of sport, on the campus.

    Harper Adams has recently launched a Development Trust to help raise funds for its capital development programme. Anyone who wishes to discuss the work of the Trust or the College’s development plans is invited to contact Mr David Llewellyn, Director of Corporate Affairs, on 01 952 815 242.


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