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    Posted 7 August 2003

    THE ENGINEERING department at Harper Adams University College, near Newport, has gone from strength to strength over the last twelve months and there has never been a better time to enter this profession.

    According to the 2003 ‘What Do Graduates Do?’ report, degrees in Mechanical Engineering now offer the seventh best employment prospects for graduates. The demand for well-trained and educated Engineering graduates is on the increase and there are plenty of opportunities for dedicated students.

    This is particularly true at Harper Adams, where a close rapport has been built up between the University College and the Engineering industry. Harper Adams has built up a national and international reputation for the quality of its practical and vocational courses and of its graduates.

    Harper Adams offers engineering qualifications at HND, BSc, BEng and MEng level in Off Road Vehicle Design, Engineering Design and Development and Agricultural Engineering with specialist options such as Marketing and Management as well.

    Course lengths vary from three years for an HND to five years for a MEng course but the over-riding feature of all these courses is a one-year long, paid placement working within the industry.

    Harper Adams takes pride in the fact that all its courses have a very practical and hands-on element to them but the placement period takes that philosophy a stage further and ensures that every student graduates with experience as well as an education.

    It is that valuable combination, which has helped build a relationship between Harper Adams and the industries it serves – a relationship that has many positive benefits for the students themselves.

    Benefits such as the £750,000 partnership between Harper Adams and engineering giants JCB, which will sponsor 12 students a year through engineering courses at Harper Adams for the next four years.

    For the duration of the course, each JCB Scholarship is worth £2,000 a year, employment at JCB during holiday periods, a sandwich placement with JCB and 12-months guaranteed employment with JCB upon graduation.

    The JCB Scholarship programme is primarily designed for applicants to the Off Road Vehicle Design courses at Harper Adams, although applicants to other courses may also be considered.

    There are also many benefits to studying locally at Shropshire’s University College. Harper Adams has a superb single-site campus, creating a close-knit community with its own bars, sports facilities, swimming pool and gym.

    And with rising levels of student debt, it is well worth considering that by studying at your local university, you can also opt to reduce your living expenses by living at home and travelling into the campus on a daily basis.

    Either way, you will meet new like-minded people in a friendly environment where people know who you are and take a genuine interest in you. Nobody at Harper Adams is ‘just a number.’

    For further information on studying for a career in Engineering, contact the Admissions department at Harper Adams University College on 01 952 815 000 or E-mail: and ask for a prospectus. Alternatively, log on to: (Ends)

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