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    Posted 1 September 2003

    SIR DON CURRY, author of the report “Farming and Food - a sustainable future” will officially launch the Centre for Rural Innovation at Harper Adams University College next month.

    He will visit Harper Adams’ Shropshire campus on Friday, September 19, 2003 to take part in a lunchtime launch ceremony and will also attend the Graduation Day proceedings as guest of honour.

    Sir Donald Curry KB, CBE, 59, chaired the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food, which made its report to the Government in January last year. “Farming and Food – a sustainable future” was widely welcomed and is now regarded as an important vision for the industry and a blueprint for future policy.

    Professor Wynne Jones, Principal of Harper Adams University College, said: “We are delighted that Sir Don Curry has agreed to launch the Centre for Rural Innovation.

    “This is an initiative that we feel looks toward the future, towards closer collaboration between Harper Adams and the industries we serve and for that reason, Sir Don was an ideal choice to be present at the outset.”

    The Centre for Rural Innovation is a flagship project, which will encompass as many as 50 current and forthcoming projects for rural business, sustainable farming and food upon its launch – effectively providing a one-stop shop giving access to and a contact point for, Harper Adams entire range of knowledge and expertise.

    The main purpose of the Centre is the sharing of knowledge, to support innovation in rural and regional businesses through: · The development of new technologies; · Provision of technical and business consultancy; · Harper Adams making science, engineering and market research facilities available to support the needs of businesses and public or voluntary sector organisations; · Supporting business networking and business clubs; · Providing training programmes and work-based qualifications to business and professional groups working in the rural economy.

    The Centre for Rural Innovation is being established in a bid to address the emerging issues of the Lambert Review of Business – University Collaboration in which author Richard Lambert notes: “Some businesses highlighted the difficulties that they face in trying to access the right people within an institution or to find out what research, consultancy or other business support work was available to them.”


    Notes to Editors:

    1) Further information on Harper Adams University College, the Centre for Rural Innovation, or on any of the projects the initiative will encompass, is available from the Press & Publications Officer Nick Barnes on +44 (0) 1952 815 371 or E-mail:

    2) Further biographical information concerning Sir Don Curry is available if required.

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