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Posted 6 October 2003
THE 2002/03 ANDREW LEWIS TROPHY has been awarded to a Harper Adams University College student from Northern Ireland.Judith McGaffin, 23, from Katesbridge, in Banbridge, County Down has collected the award, given annually for an outstanding student performance while on placement.
Judith, a BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Animal Science degree student at Harper Adams, undertook her one-year work placement at Norbrook Laboratories, Newry, in Northern Ireland.
Judges said they were most impressed with the fact that Judith was highly thought of by her employers and clearly demonstrated that she had gained a lot from her time on placement. Judith also completed two pieces of written work, to a very high standard, which contributed to her overall mark.
Judith has also been involved with Harper Ireland, the association for the University College’s students from Ireland and has contributed to the running of her family dairy farm.
The Andrew Lewis Trophy has been awarded annually at Harper Adams since 1983, when Mrs Sheila Lewis presented it to the University College. The award is made in memory of her son, tragically killed whilst a Harper Adams’ student.
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