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Posted 28 October 2003
A BUILDING DESIGN PROJECT undertaken by three students from Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, has won a prestigious prize.Andrew Brown, Simon Dix and Robert Hoare, all of whom graduated from Harper Adams last month, were awarded the 2003 Waitrose Building Design Prize for their final-year project work.
Andrew Brown, 22, from Lockley Wood, Market Drayton, who studied a Bachelor of Engineering degree, and Robert Hoare, 25, from Harare, in Zimbabwe, who studied for Harper Adams’ BSc (Hons) Agricultural Engineering with Marketing and Management degree, collected their award on September 19.
Mr Richard Sadler, Head of Buying for supermarket chain Waitrose, attended a special ceremony, held as part of Harper Adams’ Graduation Day celebrations, to make the presentation.
Further information on the students’ project work is available from the Head of the Engineering Group, Mr Jim Loynes, on +44 (0) 1952 820 280.
Caption: Pictured at the presentation of the award are (L-R) Andrew Brown, Mr Richard Sadler and Robert Hoare.
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