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    Posted 30 April 2004

    Harper Adams University College will be once again at The Balmoral but this year the self-styled “Best University for ‘The Country’ ” will be offering an even wider range of degree level courses. Food Retail, Leisure and Tourism and Off Road Vehicle Design are just three of the new areas of study available to students.

    “We are planning to develop our portfolio of courses and believe that the new courses will be just as popular with students from Northern Ireland as our long-established ones,” says newly –appointed Marketing Officer, Sarah Parker.

    “Certainly the key to our success has been the fantastic job record that Harper Adams can claim with 95 per cent of our graduates finding work within six months of graduating.”

    The new courses are intended to compliment the University’s amazing successes in both Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering. Student numbers in both these areas continue to grow with 111 new students joining the Agriculture courses (an 11 per cent increase) last September. Engineering has the distinct advantage of support from JCB with students being offered generous scholarships of up to £2000 per annum for each year of the course.

    Harper Adams’ confidence in the future is reflected in the ambitious building programme, which includes a brand new £3million Library and Learning Resources Centre and substantial improvements to both the teaching facilities and student leisure facilities.

    All of these educational and social advantages are enhanced by membership of Harper Ireland. Harper Ireland is a great networking support organisation for students during their time at The University College. Graduates can look forward to gaining membership of Harper Adams in Ireland, which is a thriving and growing organisation.

    In addition to the social side, including dinners and functions, Harper Adams in Ireland offers and co-ordinates a number of scholarships for students from Northern Ireland to assist their study at Harper Adams. All of these considerable advantages make studying at Harper Adams the experience of a lifetime.

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