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Posted 4 April 2004
Harper Adams University College (HAUC) has long been known for the quality of its higher education, but is rapidly establishing an equally strong reputation for business. With expertise across a diverse range of subjects including business, agriculture, engineering, land management, leisure and tourism, many local and national businesses are already benefiting from its support. As well as offering undergraduate and post-graduate business study, and including elements of business in most courses, the college also offers bespoke short courses and targeted business clubs, using academic resources to promote business entrepreneurship and success. Nadine Evans, senior business lecturer, said: “HAUC began as an agricultural college in 1901 and is still active in that sector, with a working farm staffed by highly qualified people, who use it to test and teach best practice in animal and crop management.“Technology is key to the success of every agricultural establishment and Harper’s Engineering Department specialises in agricultural equipment, using its computing resources and strong engineering team to deliver the nation’s only agricultural engineering qualifications: valuable to any engineering or manufacturing company. The college is proud of its strong links with JCB as a very prominent member of our sponsoring companies.
“British agriculture has been hit hard by emerging markets and their fast expansion towards food production. Supermarket chains have, naturally, looked to these markets to satisfy consumer needs for variety and cost of quality food. Accordingly HAUC has built diversification into its programmes and services. It provides quality business courses, some of which relate directly to agriculture, thus supporting its traditional customer base with ideas and support for sustainable new businesses. It also integrates business education into its courses to enable graduates to leave with inherent business thinking towards other fields of work.”
Nadine added: “Leisure and Tourism, Land Management and Food Retail all contribute to a diverse range of undergraduate course activity. Harper’s practical approach and programmes in personal development, information technology and research skills underpin the learning of all students, producing capable and positive thinkers.”
“Postgraduate education provision is also an area of fast growth for HAUC and it helps adult students from many countries extend their capabilities in International Business Management, as well as in areas of their own interest, to follow on from first degree level. HAUC is working towards the introduction of an MBA next year.”
Mark Smith, from HAUC’s Business Clubs, added: “As well as providing direct qualifications, the college helps individuals and companies extend their success. As well as running business clubs in specialist areas, and providing excellent conference facilities, we offer short courses that provide essential qualifications and networking opportunities and are tailored to meet the objectives of diverse companies and associations. The Women in Rural Enterprise (WIRE) network provides support for 800 members across the nation, and offers emotional support as well as practical workshops and business/financial services.”
Overall Harper’s aim is to help build and maintain an educated and empowered workforce, moving towards sustainability in a changing, varied and competitive environment.
For more information call 01952 820280 or visit www.harper-adams.ac.uk, www.womeninruralenterprise.co.uk, or ruralconsultancy.com
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