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    Tony Receives Long Service Awards

    Posted 19 July 2004

    One of Harper Adams’ longest-serving members of staff has been awarded two medals marking his dedication to the agricultural industry.
    Tony Bentley receives his long service award at The Royal Agricultural Show
    Tony Bentley receives his long service award at The Royal Agricultural Show.
    Anthony Albert Bentley, of Newport, has been awarded long service medals by the Shropshire and West Midlands Agricultural Society at the Shropshire and West Midlands Show, staged in Shrewsbury, and by the Royal Agricultural Society of England, at The Royal Agricultural Show, at Stoneleigh, Warwickshire.

    The 61-year-old has worked at the Newport-based university college for 47 years, beginning on the university farm, before moving into the specialist poultry unit, and eventually becoming a porter.

    He described receiving the medals as the highlight of a long and enjoyable career. Tony has carried on a family tradition of working at Harper Adams: his great grandfather began work at the university in 1908, followed by Tony’s grandfather, and both parents.

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