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    Funding Chairman Visits Harper Adams

    Posted 3 November 2004

    The Chairman of the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), David Young, recently visited Harper Adams University College, Shropshire. HEFCE is the major funding organisation for the university sector.

    The visit, on October 26, allowed the Newport-based University College to demonstrate its research on molecular diagnostic techniques in food safety and on the effects of composts on soil structures, in new facilities and with new equipment funded by HEFCE.

    As well as chatting to students over lunch, Mr Young was also interested to see presentations by the highly successful Women in Rural Enterprise initiative and on the new National Rural Knowledge Exchange being led by the University College. The visit included a tour which took in the £3m Bamford Library, newly refurbished premises for the University College’s Centre for Rural Innovation and new teaching accommodation recently opened by HRH The Princess Royal. Commenting on the visit, Mr Young said: “I particularly enjoyed meeting such an enthusiastic group of students, and having an opportunity to see more of Harper Adams’ work in knowledge transfer.”

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