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    Harper Adams Trio Awarded Prizes

    Posted 11 October 2004

    Three Harper Adams University College students have been awarded the JCB GROUP TROPHY 2004. Engineering students Mr Edward Amsden, 22, Of Hawes, North Yorkshire, Nathan Seymour, 22, of South Marston, Swindon,Wiltshire, and Charles WILLIAMS, of Crewe, Cheshire, collected the prize at the Shropshire university college’s annual graduation ceremony last month.

    The group were set the task to design and develop a ‘transport bogie’. Tutor, Geoffrey Wakeham, said: “This group of students were particularly industrious and well organised. They were the first of the four groups to complete the practical project work, well before the deadline. They came up with a pedal-driven device to latch under farm machinery, which enabled it to be moved around a workshop, and it tested successfully with all the machines. The group showed their enthusiasm consistently, in the way in which ideas were generated and discussed in weekly meetings with the module tutor, and in the way in which they acquired and used resources in the making of the device. Their commitment and professional ability in successfully completing a ‘design & build’ project was highly commended.”

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