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    Harper Student Raises Cash for Tsunami Relief

    Posted 1 February 2005

    Harper Adams students have raised £500 in aid of the Tsunami appeal. A collection was organised by Lisa Barlow, who is studying Countryside and Environmental Management at the Newport-based university college, and spent her placement year working in Thailand. Lisa, 22, from Shrewsbury, visited Ko Phra Thong last January whilst on her placement period from Harper Adams, when students spend a year working in industry. sa said she felt compelled to do something to help the Tsunami victims and survivors, after receiving so much support and friendship from local people during her visit. “I worked for a month at a sea turtle research station where I met a number of amazingly dedicated people, including Lisa Jones, who was working in a school in the Thai village of Bat Joke. Lisa,31, from Hertfordshire, was tragically killed when the Tsunami struck as she was collecting lifebelts from an office, which collapsed. “I am hoping to help the people who made the island such an amazing place to rebuild their homes and fishing boats, and for the Naucrates conservation society to rebuild the sea turtle research centre and continue Lisa Jones’ important work.” Lisa, who is planning further fundraising events, is hoping to return to Ko Phra Thong on March 5, for six weeks, to help with the rebuilding work. She is aiming to raise £350 for her airfare and would welcome any donations. She added: “I would also like to ask any companies in the area if they would like to donate equipment for the Turtle Research Centre. They particularly need a laptop with projector, thermometers, digital scales for weighing baby turtles, digital camera, GPS equipment, binoculars, and tagging equipment.” Anyone who would like to make a donation can e-mail Lisa at Ends Pic Cap: Lisa Barlow, thired from left, with friends she made in Ko Phra Thong. For further information e-mail Lisa Barlow at

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