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    Harper Adams popularity leads to ‘No Vacancies’!

    Posted 5 August 2005

    No Vacancies at Harper

    Harper Adams University College is fit to burst with a bumper year for undergraduate enrolments. The incredible success of the University College continues as they are now full for undergraduate students for this coming academic year.

    “This has been an amazing year for student recruitment” comments Richard Jopling, Head of Recruitment at Shropshire’s only University College. “All our degree and Foundation Degree courses have been full for sometime now and well ahead of Clearing. We have never been in a stronger position nor expected quite so many students to enrol”

    The only remaining undergraduate places at Harper Adams for September are on the Access Course or on top up degree courses. The Access Course is aimed at students who don’t already have the necessary qualifications for entry into Higher Education. This unique one year course will give direct admission onto a Foundation Degree or Degree course in September 2006.

    “With a success rate of more than 80 percent for students who complete this one year course, we find that many students who are underachieving and unhappy with their former school experience blossom with us at Harper Adams” explains University Access Course Manager, Nicky Hunter.

    Completion of the Access Course means that the student concerned can then enrol directly onto one of the many sandwich Foundation Degrees or Degrees at Harper Adams. This includes courses in such areas as engineering, agriculture, leisure and tourism, business, and food.

    In a world where can top up your pint, mobile phone and digital TV, Harper Adams University College is now offering the opportunity to top up your HND or Foundation Degree to a full BSc Honours Degree.

    Harper Adams now offers a new Business Management top up course for all students who have already completed a HND in one of the rural or land-based areas of study such as; Floristry, Golf Management, Landscape Design, or in an agricultural subject.

    Course Manager, Pam Whitehouse feels that the new course provides really exciting business opportunities. “The one year full time course covers all the key components of Business Management and is ideal for the student who plans to set up and run his or her own business,” explains Pam, “it also offers the chance to students to really complete their education and to have new, graduate opportunities.”

    Richard Jopling reflects on the high number of admissions this year: “I think that it has a lot to do with Harper Adams national reputation as a Centre for Excellence. We have been recognised both in the national league tables for the quality of our teaching but just as important has been the evidence of the employability of our graduates. According to HESA official league tables we have the third highest level of graduate employment in the whole of the UK. I think that students and their families should expect that a good education will be rewarded with proper employment.”

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