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    Crops Open Day 14 July 2005

    Posted 16 August 2005

    Demonstrations at the Crops Open Day

    The annual Crops Open day at Harper Adams was attended by over 120 farmers and advisers.

    Kate Jackson of BPC outlined the economic losses to the potato industry of bruising, Dr Simon Woods, Engineering, HAUC with Phillip Germeney of Standen Engineering then demonstrated how to set up harvesting equipment to minimise potato bruising.

    Dr Vic Jordan, Soil Management Initiative, discussed cultivations for potatoes and cereals in relation to soil management plans, which are a requirement for cross compliance in 2006.

    This included a demonstration of cultivation and drilling equipment for effective straw management and cereal establishment.

    Dr Nigel Hall, Crops, HAUC demonstrated effective subsoiling to alleviate soil structural problems.

    Mr Richard Fenwick, of Richard Fenwick Variety Consultants, demonstrated a wheat variety trial where both cultivation and variety were and the implications of cultivation and drilling date on variety choice.

    Jeremy Cartwright of Dupont demonstrated pesticide and fertiliser delivery in potatoes using trickle tape.

    Ms Lucy Hodsman, National Non Food Crops Centre demonstrated a range of non food crops and discussed the potential for novels crops, such as calendula, crambe, hemp and borage.

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