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    Students Party the Night Away

    Posted 15 March 2006

    The Harper Ireland Dinner

    Irish students at Harper Adams University College have been celebrating at their Harper Ireland annual dinner.

    Almost 90 students and invited guests attended the Harper Ireland Dinner at the Royal Victoria Hotel in Newport.

    The event, held on February 24, welcomed guest speaker, Mr Campbell Tweed, President of Ulster Farmers Union.

    Mr Tweed received a warm welcome from the audience as he spoke about the future opportunities in agriculture.

    It was organised by Harper Ireland, the society for students from Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland studying at the Shropshire-based university college.

    Stuart Eakin, organiser of the event, said: "This was a fantastic night for all involved.

    "The event was attended by a great number of current students, prospective students and guests who all had a very enjoyable evening."

    During the evening, revellers were treated to a four-course dinner followed by the speeches, music and dancing that went on into the early hours of Saturday morning.

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