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    Vet thanks Harper Adams for their 'firm foundations'

    Posted 17 July 2006

    A VETERINARY graduate has revealed part of her degree success is down to her firm foundations at Harper Adams University College.

    Rebecca Rowe, who has recently graduated from the University of Liverpool with a veterinary degree, said her previous Agriculture with Animal Science degree at the Shropshire-based university college gave her an excellent foundation to build on at vet school.

    And because she completed the degree at Harper Adams in 2002, she was able to join the 'Two years in One’ programme at Liverpool – allowing her to combine the 1st and 2nd years into one year and completing her veterinary degree in four years rather than five.

    Speaking about the course at Harper Adams, 26-year-old Becky, said: “I do believe that the Agriculture with Animal Science degree provided me with an excellent foundation in which to build upon at vet school.

    “Moreover, I think that without it, I would have struggled. I think that if anyone with an agricultural bias wanted to become a vet, this degree is really beneficial because it provides you with greater knowledge of the industry and the practicalities involved.

    “I have found that the benefit of attaining a degree from a well-respected agricultural university such as Harper Adams has provided me with the ability to empathise with farmers and understand their perspective and the challenges they are faced with every day.

    “I found that when I went out on farm visits with the practising vets, I noticed that the farmers didn't take me very seriously until I mentioned that I had completed a degree at Harper Adams and after that they seemed to have more respect for my ideas and I think that this has a lot to do with the fact that Harper Adams' reputation precedes it.

    “Since graduation I applied for three mixed practice jobs and I was offered a position in all three but accepted a position at a practice in Llangollen. In the interviews each mentioned that Harper Adams had an influence on them choosing me.”

    The Agriculture and Animal Science course is designed for students who wish to pursue a career in the livestock industry. The course provides a thorough understanding of agricultural practice introduces scientific principles by studying subjects such as Animal Nutrition, Animal Health and Animal Production Science as well as identifying, analysing and solving problems relating to the livestock industry.

    Dr Margaret Parry, Animal-Related Courses Manaager, agreed with Becky’s comments that prior study on one of Harper Adams’ animal courses can enhance the chances of success for mature students studying veterinary science.

    “Since courses at the university college are so applied, students bring a broad focus to their graduate study, as well as a sound scientific knowledge,” she added.

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