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    Equine Seminars back at Harper Adams

    Posted 8 August 2006

    SEMINARS dedicated to the equine industry are set to return to Harper Adams University College – by popular demand. 

    Bookings are already been taken for six legal and professional seminars being hosted at the Shropshire-based university college. 

    Carrie de Silva, Senior Lecturer and Placement Manager at Harper Adams said: “The demand for these courses is incredibly high and are suited for anyone involved or interested in the equine industry or recreational riding. 

    “Places for the courses, which are being held between September and February, are already being snapped up. 

    “But there are still a number of spaces available for the seminars legal and professional seminars, which include Equine Law, Equine Contracts, Taxation and Planning for Stud Farms, Equine Welfare and Liabilities and Health and Safety Risk Assessment.” 

    The courses are part of the ‘legal and professional seminars for land and business’ portfolio which, as well as equine matters cover taxation for farming and rural business, inheritance tax for farm and family planning, income tax for the small business, farm diversification, health and safety,  and occupiers’ liability for farm and estate. 

    Additionally, the seminars are preparation for RICS Assessment of Professional Competence, CPD for rural practice chartered surveyors, Rural Scenario Planning and flexible business qualifications.

    The legal and professional seminars for land and business can be offered either full day, half day or during the evening either at Harper Adams or on-site.

    The equine law seminars are designed for anyone running or planning small equine businesses such as livery, teaching or stud farms. They may also benefit professional advisers with equine business and horse owner clients, individuals planning farm diversification such as pay-as-you-go cross country courses or people organising Pony Club or Riding Club events as well as keen amateur riders and horse owners. 

    The full day seminars cover contracts, negligence, occupiers’ liability, business, employment, tax, planning, health and safety, welfare and more.  Half day seminars are also offered on specific topics such as taxation, contracts and health and safety.

    Prices include lunch (for full day seminars) and a copy of Ms de Silva’s book ‘Equine Law’.  For queries or to book a place on any of the courses contact Carrie de Silva on 01952 815304 or 

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