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Posted 10 November 2006
Harper Adams University College is set to launch an Equine Law Centre following the success of the one day Equine Law Seminars.
Demand for the seminars during the past two years has led to the launch of a range of one day and half day legal and professional seminars for the equine industry.
Carrie de Silva, who lectures in law and taxation at the university college, said: “This new venture has followed demand from past delegates to develop sessions on more detailed areas of law with the idea that delegates can come along to individual sessions or build up their knowledge with three or four session a year.
“The current range includes the general one day Equine Law Seminar with half day seminars on Taxation and Planning for Stud Farms, Equine Contracts, Equine Welfare and Liabilities and Health and Safety Risk Assessment for Equine and Other Rural Businesses.
“Seminars can also be delivered off campus and tailored to client requirements - for example, a one day seminar is running in Northern Ireland on 23rd November and a seminar for a group of equine bed and breakfast businesses in Shropshire takes place on 18th October.”
These seminars currently provide valuable Continuing Professional Development for rural practice chartered surveyors and solicitors, as well as those working in the equine industry. It is envisaged that, in the medium term, the sessions will be developed into an accredited programme of legal and business studies for the equine professional under the life-long learning platform of Harper Adams.
The seminars are designed for anyone running or planning small equine businesses - livery, teaching, stud farms, CPD for professional advisers with equine business / horse owner clients, those planning farm diversification such as pay-as-you-go cross country courses, those organising Pony Club or Riding Club events and keen amateur riders and horse owners.
They cover small business start up, health and safety risk management, equine law, taxation for farming and rural business, inheritance tax for farm and family planning, income tax for the small business, occupiers’ liability for farm and estate, farm diversification, preparation for RICS Assessment of Professional Competence, CPD for rural practice chartered surveyors, Rural Scenario Planning and flexible business qualifications
For further information, or a request for posters or leaflets, please contact Carrie de Silva on 01952 81504, cdesilva@harper-adams.ac.uk.
Courses being offered at the Equine Law Centre are:
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