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Posted 17 May 2007
Nathan Duncan from Crumlin, a past pupil of Antrim Grammar School, has been awarded the 2007 Douglas Bomford Trust Scholarship at Harper Adams University College. He is the first winner of this scholarship from the Island of Ireland.
After GCSE’s, Nathan successfully completed the Harper Adams 30 week University Access Course. This highly popular one-year course is designed for students aged from 17 years upwards to gain access to Higher Education without having to complete A-Levels or other suitable qualifications. Nathan then easily qualified to study for a Bachelor of Engineering in Agricultural Engineering at the University College.
Coming from a farming background, Nathan gained work and mechanisation experience with Norman Erwin at Nutts Corner, and with Greenfield Fertilisers before entering Harper Adams.
The Douglas Bomford Trust awards the Scholarship annually to a student embarking on an agricultural engineering course. Agricultural engineering degree courses at Harper Adams satisfy the academic requirement for admission to the Institution of Agricultural Engineers and the basis for ultimate recognition as a Chartered Engineer. The Bomford award is valued at £2,000 per academic year for each of the three residential academic years of the degree course. The Trustees interview short listed applicants to determine the award winner.
Jim Loynes, Head of the Engineering Department at Harper Adams University College said "Harper Adams are pleased to work with The Douglas Bomford Trust to assist and encourage our future professionals in agricultural engineering. It is essential to build academic and industry links to support the students and maximise their potential." He continues "Nathan has shown that he has a sound knowledge, the ability and the enthusiasm to excel in his chosen profession."
Details of the of the access, degree and diploma engineering courses at Harper Adams can be obtained from admissions@harper-adams.ac.uk telephone, 01952 815000
For further details on the Bomford Trust Scholarships please contact: The Student Financial Aid Officer, Renee Gallina-Morris. Tel: 01952 815428 E-mail: rgallinamorris@harper-adams.ac.uk
For further details on The Bomford Trust Scholarship please view: www.dbt.org.uk
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