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    Staffordshire & Birmingham Agricultural Society invest in Farming's Future

    Posted 31 May 2007

    Suzanne with Lord and Lady Stafford

    The Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society have granted two students from Harper Adams University College Student Scholarship. Third years, Suzanne Lovatt from Biddulph Moor, Stoke-on-Trent, who is studying BSc (Hons) Agri-Food Marketing and Business Studies and Mark Biddulph, from Hilderstone, Stone, who is studying BSc Agriculture and Mechanisation were presented with cash prizes for their achievements.

    The awards were presented by Lady Stafford at a presentation ceremony at the Staffordshire County Show. Lord Stafford is President of the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society.

    Mr. Richard Williams Chief Executive of the Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society explained that the society wanted to increase support for young people in agriculture and as a result has introduced a number of grants to help assist with expenses in connection with agricultural study trips, attendance at short and vocational courses and study aids including books and IT software. The pinnacle of this support is a grant of £1,000 being awarded to a full-time student studying a land-based subject. This will assist with tuition fees. Students from the Staffordshire area were invited to apply for the very first Staffordshire and Birmingham Students Awards. After completing an application both Suzanne and Mark were short-listed for interview with the panel along with four other students from the area.

    Mr Williams continues “The Panel felt that all of the candidates were of high calibre. We thought that Suzanne and Mark were exceptional and both deserved the prize. They showed maturity and that they had clear career aspirations. We therefore decided to increase the number of awards to two. The Society hopes to continue and expand the awarded grant scheme in the coming years.” 

    The Staffordshire and Birmingham Agricultural Society plays a leading role in the development of agriculture and the rural economy within the region. Their work includes support for business and social welfare in rural communities, education, and regional shows and events.

    Suzanne and Mark say “We are extremely pleased to be selected to receive the first Agricultural Society Student Awards. It is very encouraging that the society is supporting the younger generation pursue careers in agriculture.”

    The cash reward is of particular significance because of tuition fees that can be up to £3,000 per annum.  Under these circumstances, it is appropriate that both universities and organisations look at ways of working together to help support students during their course and thus continue to bring highly skilled practitioners in to the agricultural and land-based industries.

    For further details on Scholarships please contact: The Student Financial Aid Officer, Renee Gallina-Morris. Tel: 01952 815428 E-mail:

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