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Posted 27 June 2007
Management Development Services (MDS), a Peterborough-based leading recruitment and training organisation, and Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, are proud to announce that they have launched a post-graduate Certificate in Food and Fresh Produce Management. This innovative work-based course, which is the first of its kind, has been especially developed with a unique blend of business and academic expertise.
The two-year programme includes four six-month management secondments where trainees take responsibilities across the fresh produce supply chain in MDS member organisations. They meet the challenges of various roles including quality control, harvest management, commercial sales, technical development and supply analysis. The initiative also combines this work experience with work-based projects and 27 days worth of management training and development. It has been designed to ensure that our future professionals are equipped with a wide level of skill, experience and knowledge so that they provide member companies with managers who have demonstrated their management capability and potential.
Once completing the new qualification the MDS trainees will receive postgraduate academic recognition from Harper Adams University College. The programme will give MDS trainees a much enhanced career boosting opportunity. The first trainees will graduate in 2009.
MDS Chairman, Doug Henderson said “The new post-graduate certificate is universal recognition of the excellence of the MDS training programme and we are delighted to be working in partnership with Harper Adams University College whose expertise and reputation is second to none. Our aim is to constantly move forward and to prepare the managers of tomorrow to identify and meet the challenges that face the fresh produce industry.”
Charles Cowap, Life Long Learning Manager at Harper Adams said “It is very satisfying to work with MDS on this pioneering venture. It is extremely important to bridge the gap between university and work. The work-based post-graduate certificate will assist trainees to get ahead in a fast-moving and competitive market.”
For further details of the Postgraduate Certificate in Food and Fresh Produce Management please contact:Harper Adams University College: Charles Cowap, Director of Work Based Learning Tel: 01952 815305 E-mail: ccowap@harper-adams.ac.uk
MDS: Danni Shaw, General Manager, MDS Tel: 01780 781450 E-mail: dani@mds-ltd.co.uk View www.mds-ltd.co.uk
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