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    Prepare to Give it Some Welly!

    Posted 9 July 2007

    James and Annette Speak to the HEC Students

    This morning over 300 students have arrived at Harper Adams University College to attend the annual two-day Higher Education Choices (HEC) Conference.

    With an exciting programme of seminars, careers and study advice, practical activities and social events HEC is proving to be a big hit with the students who have travelled from as a far as Cornwell, East Anglia, Northumberland and Northern Ireland to the Shropshire-based University College.

    HEC has become the UK’s most important careers event for students, aged between 16 and 18 years old, who wish to find out more about studying agricultural, animal, food, business or other rural-based subjects at HND and Degree level.

    Today the conference kicked off with a welcome address where the guest speakers, ex-students, James Daplyn and Annette Hunt spoke of their own personal experiences of HEC, Harper Adams and their first year of work after graduating in 2006.

    The students will be attending some fascinating taster-session activities to assist them decide what is the most suitable course for them. These range from Gorgeous Gateau, Food - tempted to try it, Drilling for Gold – soil testing, Practical Surveying, Sheep and Pig Production, Simulating Destruction, Power Hydraulics, the S Word - Sustainability in the Real World and Discovering DNA, to name but a few.

    The day will be topped off by the infamous ‘Red Shirt’s Challenge’! The current students will be setting those at HEC some challenging social activities!

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