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    Harper Cymry Student of the Year Award at Royal Welsh

    Posted 1 August 2007

    Professor Wynne Jones and Caroline Lewis

    Caroline Lewis, from Little Newcastle, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire was presented with the Harper Cymry Student of the Year Award at the Royal Welsh Show which took place last month. Caroline, who will be graduating from the Shropshire–based Harper Adams University College with a BSc (Hons) in Agriculture in September, was selected by the panel of judges to be presented this prestigious prize.

    The Harper Cymru Student of the Year Award was introduced to encourage students from Wales studying at the University College to contribute fully to developing both their academic and personal potential. The nominees submitted a CV and those short-listed were interviewed by a panel of judges who looked for evidence of a good academic record and a positive contribution through the broader learning environment of the college through participation in clubs and societies.

    Harper Adams’ Principal, Professor Wynne Jones praised Caroline by saying “The Panel felt that all of the candidates were of high calibre, however, we thought that Caroline performed extremely well and has actively contributed to Harper Cymry and deserved the prize. She showed maturity and that she had clear career aspirations and a well-formed grasp of the industry.”

    Harper Cymry is a growing society as more and more Welsh students make Harper their first choice. Welsh members take part in a wide range of activities and events such as the Royal Welsh Show, the Welsh Winter Fair and St David's Day celebrations.

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