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    Countryside Funding Opportunities at Harper Adams

    Posted 20 September 2007

    Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, is hosting a one-day course that has been specifically designed for those who are seeking external funding. Using the Countryside and Funding Opportunities a highly beneficial course for stakeholders within rural industries and organisations, local authorities, councils, government departments and voluntary organisations.

    Date:    Tuesday 9th October 2007 (9-30am to 4-00pm)      Costs:  £120

    Barrie Florey, Head of the Rural Affairs and Environment Group at Harper Adams said “We have developed a range of short courses that aim to respond and meet the increasing challenges of a changing rural sector where positioning your business to the meet these demands makes a huge difference. The Funding Opportunities course is especially appealing to people who may need to obtain external funding.”

    The course will give delegates advice on obtaining further funding for environmental management, grant aid sources, procedures and preparation skills on the application process, appreciation of time scales, levels of grant aid available and awareness of business planning and managing funds.

    To book a place on either of the above courses or to find out further information please call Lisa Chapman on 01952 815324. It is advised to book early due to large numbers of applicants. Additional information is available on   

    Further short-courses and conferences held at Harper Adams include:
    Farm Business Analysis:                                    10th October 07 and 20th February 08
    Farm Financial Business Planning:                      17th October 07 and 6th March 08
    Risk Identification & Management:                      7th November 07 and 19th March 08
    New Business Opportunities:                              4th December 07 and 23rd April 08
    Managing Staff for High Productivity:                    16th October 07 and 5th March 08
    Equine Law:                                                      11th October 07 and 24th April 08
    Managing Trees & Potential Legal Liabilities:        30th October 07 and 5th February 08
    Sustainable Woodland Management:                   11th December 07 and 29th April 08
    Introduction to Event Management:                      14th November 07 and 12th March 08

    A programme of RICS APC / ATC Courses for Trainee Surveyors is offered throughout the year, in preparation for qualification as a RICS member.

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