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Posted 6 August 2008
A new research scholarship is being launched at Harper Adams University College in memory of the late Paul Foxcroft, a tireless champion of the animal by-products industry, who passed away in November 2007.
The Paul Foxcroft Research Scholarship will be awarded to a researcher conducting innovative research in the field of livestock production and in particular maximising the utilisation of animal by-products.
It will be available to MPhil or PhD students in the Animals Group. The Paul Foxcroft Research Scholarship Committee will make a recommendation to Harper Adams University College, which will make the final decision.
The committee includes Stephen Woodgate, of Beacon Research, Carwyn A Ellis, Head of the Animals Group at Harper Adams, and Bob Bansback, Red Meat Industry Forum director.
Mr Woodgate said: “Paul was a remarkable man, both as a personal friend and as great colleague. I hope that this scholarship in Paul’s memory will help us to remember him for many years to come.
“Paul was very inquisitive: probably his favourite question was “Why? “. He would have loved to have been a researcher again, so this scholarship will go some way to help us remember Paul and his relentless approach to solving problems “
Mr Ellis added: "The opportunity to develop the research skills of a young applied scientist in this area will be worthy legacy to Paul’s memory for years to come."
Mr Foxcroft worked for Prosper de Mulder for more than 25 years and was instrumental in its development as a modern, dynamic company which has used research and innovation as the cornerstone of its success.
The scholarship committee is therefore pleased to announce that Prosper de Mulder has made a significant contribution to start building the scholarship fund.
Harper Adams University College is an independent institution founded in 1901 and is the premier provider of Higher Education to the rural sector within the UK. It has its own research degree awarding powers and had developed a reputation for applied research funded by the industry.
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