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Posted 24 June 2009
Research into “What makes students switch off?” has resulted in Harper Adams University College being Highly Commended at a national awards ceremony.
The Green Gown Awards 2009 were presented on Tuesday night (June 23) following a gala banquet at Imperial College, London.
The awards, now in their fifth year, recognise exceptional initiatives being taken by universities and colleges across the UK to become more sustainable.
Harper Adams was one of six finalists in the Colleges and Smaller Institutions category, for work that sought to understand and influence attitudes, behaviour and practice in campus energy use.
Dr David Llewellyn, Director of Corporate Affairs, said: “The project was undertaken by our Estates Manager, Paul Moran, for his MBA thesis, for which he was awarded a distinction. Far from simply raising awareness, he undertook research, yielding evidence to support the University College’s energy strategy, shedding light on student attitudes and providing ideas to educate the students, which can be replicated within other institutions, with a view to reducing power consumption across the entire sector.”
Harper Adams, alongside Bedford College, was Highly Commended by the judges, who said: “This entry demonstrated how a focussed approach in one area can prompt strategic changes and result in clear financial and carbon savings. Harper Adams University College offered a good example of how an initiative can act as a catalyst for change and contribute towards a wider institutional strategy.”
Mr Moran said: “I am honoured that the college nominated my project for this award, and delighted the Green Gown judges thought it worthy of a commendation. Harper Adams has put a great deal of effort into carbon footprint reduction, and is now working on projects that should allow us to go far beyond off-setting our emissions.”
Harper Adams Corporate Communications Manager Jaclyn Green added: “As a land-based institution we are committed to the environment. Winning an award for research outside our traditional disciplines demonstrates how sustainability has become culturally embedded in our decision-making and practice, and how we have grown in our approach to the wider impact of our institution on the environment.”
Dr Llewellyn collected the award, on behalf of Mr Moran, from television presenter Kate Humble. The winner of the Colleges and Smaller Institutions category was Warwickshire College, for the project “Journey towards sustainability”.
The Green Gown Awards are administered by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), the sector champion for environment and sustainability and governed by a cross agency steering group of sector support agencies. For more information please view the Green Gown Awards website www.eauc.org.uk
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