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    Publication Scheme

    MyCard Payment System Terms and Conditions

    • Top-up payments are processed by Flywire.
    • Refunds are not made for any credit left on your account at the end of your studies under any circumstances.
    • You must be legally entitled, or have the card account holders permission, to use the credit or debit card or PayPal account to credit your account.
    • Queries relating to print jobs or credit account transactions should be brought to the attention of the Service Desk. by email or by visiting the Service Desk, as soon as possible after the issue arises.
    • You are responsible for setting print parameters correctly at the time you submit a print job, for example, specifying either a black-and-white or colour printer, A4 or A3, single or double sided print. If you print the wrong format you will be charged for the output.
    • Please ensure that your print job does not contain any unnecessary blank pages as these are also chargeable. You will also be charged if your print job contains more pages than was expected (this can happen with certain web pages). For these reasons, it is strongly recommend that you use the Print Preview feature within the application before submitting your print job.
    • Print jobs that do not print correctly, due to equipment failure or other malfunction, can be credited back to your account if brought to the attention of the Service Desk at the time the problem occurred.

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