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    Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics bookmark


    Mumbi AW, Pittson H, Vriesekoop F, Kurhan S. (2024). Consumer Acceptance of Grass-Derived Ingredients in the UK: A Cross-Sectional Study. Sustainability. 16(16):7161.

    Khan, M., Behrendt, K., Papadas, D., & Arnold, L. (2024). ‘Strategic sustainable development: The role of intermediaries in managing the sustainability compliance of a multi-tier crop agri-food supply chain. A developing economy perspective’. Sustainable Development, 1–22.

    Rozenstein, O.; Alchanati, V.; Behrendt, K.; Bonfil, D.J.; Cohen, Y.; Eshel, G.; Harari, A.; Harris, W.E.; Klapp, I.; Laor, Y.; Linker, R.; Paz-Kagan, T.; Peets, S.; Rutter, S.M.; Salzer, Y.; Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. (2024). Data-Driven Agriculture and Sustainable Farming: Friends or Foes? Precision Agriculture. 25, pp 520-531. 

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. (2024) Economics of agricultural robotics. Chapter in Advances in agri-food robotics. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. DOI: 10.19103/AS.2023.0124.19

    Abdullah Al-Amin, A. K. M.; Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Erickson, B.J.; Evans, J.T.; Langemeier, M.R.; Franklin, K.; Behrendt, K. (2024). Economics of strip cropping with autonomous machines. Agronomy. 116, 572–589.  

    Khan, M.; Papadas, D.; Arnold, L.; Behrendt, K. (2024). Sustainability challenges in the multi-tier crop agri-food sector: A Systematic Review. Agricultural and Food Economics. 12:25. 

    Martignone, G. B.; Paparas, D.; Giménez, N.; Behrendt, K. (2024). Leadership Shift in the Global Soybean Market: Dynamic Connectedness Approach (TVP-VAR). Heliyon. 10(78282):e36071.

    Martignone, G. B.; Ghosh, B.; Paparas, D.; Behrendt, K. (2024). The rise of Soybean in international commodity markets: A quantile investigation The rise of Soybean in international commodity markets: A quantile investigation. Heliyon. 10(15).  

    Maritan, E.; Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K.; Franklin, K.; (2023). Economically optimal farmer supervision of crop robots. Smart Agricultural Technology, 3, 100110.

    Al-Amin, A.K.M.A., Lowenberg‑DeBoer, J., Franklin, K., Behrendt, K. (2023) Economics of field size and shape for autonomous crop machines. Precision Agriculture. 

    Capper, J., Ford, L., Behrendt, K., Harris, E. (2023) Helping farmers navigate the green economy: A data-driven blueprint for net zero beef. Animal – science proceedings, 14(2): 388-389.

    Al-Amin, A.K.M.A., Khondker, B.H., Lowenberg‑DeBoer, J. (2023) Precision Agriculture could be Smallholders’ Game Changer. Policy Insights. 

    May, D.E.; Arancibia, S.; Wang, C.; Hill, N.; Behrendt, K. (2023). Understanding young Chinese consumers’ preferences for foreign clothing brands: a behavioural approach. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.Vol. 35(12), pp. 3032-3051. https://org/10.1108/APJML-09-2022-0809

    Martignone, G. B.; Behrendt, K.; Paparas, D. (2022). Price transmission analysis of the international soybean market in a trade war context. Economies. 10 (8), 203-226.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J. (2022). Economics of adoption for digital automated technologies in agriculture. Background paper for The State of Food and Agriculture 2022. FAO Agricultural Development Economics Working Paper 22-10. Rome, FAO.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer J., Curry D., Lee M.R.F. et al. (2022). Application of Science to Realise the Potential of the Agricutural Transition. Food and Farming Futures & School of Sustainable Food and Farming Report. Published by Harper Adams University, Shropshire, UK.

    Holland, J.; Behrendt, K. (2021). The economics of liming in arable crop rotations: analysis of the 35-year Rothamsted and Woburn liming experiments. Soil Use and Management. 37(2), 342-352.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., Franklin, K., Behrendt, K., Godwin, R., (2021) Economics of autonomous equipment for arable farms. Precision Agriculture. pp1-15.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K.; Ehlers, M-H.; Dillon, C.; Gabriel, A.; Huang, I.; Kumwenda, I.; Mark, T.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Milics, G.; Olgunju, K.O.; Pedersen, S.M.; Shockley, J.; Rose, D. (2021). Lessons to be learned in adoption of autonomous equipment for field cropsApplied Economic Perspectives & Policy. 44, 848-864. .

    Wynn Mitscherlich, C.C.; Voss, V-M.; Bhatti, M.A.; Eik, L.O.; Behrendt, K.; Wynn, P.C. (2021). Impact of increasing global connectedness and trade intensification on livestock’s contribution to human welfare. Animal Frontiers. 11(5) pp. 40-51.

    Shockley, C. Dillon, J.M. Lowenberg-DeBoer, T. Mark (2021) How will regulation influence commercial viability of autonomous equipment in US production agriculture?Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy

    Schimmelpfennig, D. & Lowenberg-DeBoer (2020) Farm Types and Precision Agriculture Adoption: Crops, Regions, Soil Variability, and Farm Size. Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics Working Paper 01-20. 38 pages.

    May, D.; Arancibia, S.; Behrendt, K.; Adams. J. (2019). Assessing the effectiveness of the young farmer payment in preventing young farmers from leaving the farm: a behavioural approach. Land Use Policy, 82, (March 2019) 317-327. doi:

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., Huang, I.Y., Grigoriadis, V.; Blackmore, S. (2019) Economics of robots and automation in field crop production. Precision Agriculture, pp 1-22.

    Conference Papers

    Maritan, E., Behrendt, K., Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., Morgan, S., Rutter, M., (2024) A multi-objective optimisation analysis of virtual fencing in precision grazing. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, (unpaginated, online). Monticello, IL: International Society of Precision Agriculture. 21-24 July 2024, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, 14 pages.

    Al Amin, A., Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., Franklin, F.K., Dicken, E., Monaghan, J., Behrendt, K. (2024) Profitability of regenerative cropping with autonomous machines: An ex-ante assessment of a British crop-livestock farm. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, (unpaginated, online). Monticello, IL: International Society of Precision Agriculture. 21-24 July 2024, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, 15 pages.

    Rozenstein O, Cohen Y, Laor Y, Alchanatis V, Behrendt K, Bonfil J. D, Eshel G, Harari A, Harris E. W, Klapp I, Linker R, Paz-Kagan T, Peets S, Rutter M, Salzer Y, Lowenberg-DeBoer J (2024) Data-Driven Agriculture and sustainable farming: Friends or Foes? In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, (unpaginated, online). Monticello, IL: International Society of Precision Agriculture. 21-24 July 2024, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, 12 pages.

    McFadden J, Erickson B, Lowenberg-DeBoer J, Milics G (2024) Global Adoption of Precision Agriculture: an Update on Trends and Emerging Technologies. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, (unpaginated, online). Monticello, IL: International Society of Precision Agriculture. 21-24 July 2024, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, 16 pages.

    Behrendt, K., Capper, J.L., Ford, E., Harris, W.E., (2024) Have your steak and eat it too: Precision beef management to simultaneously reduce eCH4 and increase profit. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, (unpaginated, online). Monticello, IL: International Society of Precision Agriculture. 21-24 July 2024, Manhattan, Kansas, United States, 10 pages.

    Maritan, E., Hoffmann, G., Schwierz, F., Rutter, M., Meyer-Aurich, A., Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., Behrendt, K. (2024) An economic analysis of bolus-sensor technology for precision dairy cattle management. AgEng2024 International Conference of EurAgEng, 1-3 July 2024, 9 pages.

    Meyer-Aurich, Schwierz, F.A., Moroder, A., Kantelhardt, J., Reimand, K., Pedersen, S.M., Landi, A., Behrendt, K., Maritan, E., Gabriel, A., Fountas, S., Anastasiou, E., (2024) Harmonizing Agroecology and Digitalization for Sustainable European Agriculture. AgEng2024 International Conference of EurAgEng, 1-3 July 2024, 4 pages.

    Mumbi, A., Pittson, H., Vriesekoop, F., Kurhan, S.  (2024). Consumer acceptance of grass ingredients in human diets. In: Zhizhong Li, Matteo Zallio and Susan Xu (eds) Human Dynamics, Product Evaluation and Quality. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 131. AHFE International, USA.

    Maritan, E., Behrendt, K., Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., (2024). A preliminary economic and environmental analysis of virtual fencing for intensive lowland grazing. The 98th Annual Conference of The Agricultural Economics Society, University of Edinburgh, UK, 18th - 20th March 2024.

    Huang, I.; Behrendt, K.; Parker, E.; Hill, N.; Kuar Purewal, A.; Swales, D.; Baker, S. (2022) Ready or not, here I come: Understanding English farmers perceptions of the changes in UK agricultural and environmental policy. 96th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, K U Leuven, Belgium, 6-4 April 2022, 21 pages.

    Theofanous, P., Tremma, O., Paparas, D. and Behrendt, K. (2022). A Review of Olive Oil Price Relations through a Systematic Map, 16th International European Forum on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, 180th Seminar of the EAAE, 14th – 18th February 2022.

    Behrendt, K., Takahashi, T.; Rutter, S.M. (2022) Determining the marginal value of extra precision in precision grazing systems – An ex-ante analysis of impacts on system productivity, sustainability and economics. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. 26-29 June.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K.; Canavari, M.; Ehlers, M.-H.; Gabriel, A.; Huang, I.; Kopfinger, S.; Lenain, R.; Meyer-Aurich, A.; Milics, G.; Oluseyi Olagunju, K.; Pedersen, S.M.; Rose, D.; Spykman, O.; Tisseyre, B.; Zdráhal, I. (2021).  The Impact of Regulation on Autonomous Crop Equipment in Europe. In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Precision Agriculture ‘21 In J.V. Stafford (ed). 19-22 July, Budapest, Hungary. pp. 851-857. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

    Theofanous, P., Tremma, O., Grigoriadis, V., Manning, L., Walley, K., Paparas, D. and Behrendt, K. (2021). Examining spatial price linkages in major EU Olive oil Markets through a Systematic Map. 10-11th of September 2021, International Conference of Economics and Agribusiness, ECO-ENA Research Week.

    Al-Amin, A.K.M. Abdullah, Dickin, E., Monaghan, J.M., Franklin, K. and Lowenberg‑DeBoer, J. (2023). Economics of autonomous machines for regenerative agriculture. Proceedings at the 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, 2-6 July 2023. Bologna, Italy. Precision Agriculture’ 23. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 749-755. 

    Abdullah Al-Amin, A. K. M.; Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Franklin, K.; Behrendt, K. (2022). Economic Implications of Field Size for Autonomous Crop Machines. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. 26-29 June, 15 pages

    Abdullah Al-Amin, A. K. M.; Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Franklin, K.; Behrendt, K. (2021). Economic Implications of Field Size for Autonomous Arable Crop Equipment. In Proceedings of the 3rd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures, In K. Behrendt and D. Paparas (eds), Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University, Newport, United Kingdom. 20-21 September, pp25-44. 

    Gardiner, G.; Siqueiros, E.; Huang, I. (2021). Factors affecting British Farmer’s adoption of carbon emissions reduction practices. In Proceedings of the 3rd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures, In K. Behrendt and D. Paparas (eds), Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University, Newport, United Kingdom. 20-21 September, pp155-166. 

    Schröer-Merker, E.; Westbrooke, V. (2020) UK agricultural students’ perceptions of future technology use on-farm. Proceedings of the 3rd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (Eds K Behrendt, D Paparas), Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK. 58-62.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Pope, T.W.; Roberts, J.M. (2020) The Economic Feasibility of Autonomous Equipment for Biopesticide Application. Proceedings of the 3rd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (Eds K Behrendt, D Paparas), Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK. 118-129.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K.; Boot, A.; Byrne, R.; de Silva, C.; Eastham, J.; Huang, I.; Keeble, S.; May, D.; Munley, M.; Paparas, D.; Schröer -Merker, E.; Thelwell, S. (2020) Longer Term Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on European Agriculture. Proceedings of the 3rd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (Eds K Behrendt, D Paparas), Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK. 7-13.

    May, D. (2019) Exploring business-oriented farmers’ willingness to adopt environmental practices. Proceedings of the 2nd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures, In K Behrendt and D Paparas (eds), Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Harper Adams University, Newport, United Kingdom. 66-73.

    Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.; Behrendt, K.; Godwin, R.; Franklin, K. (2019) The Impact of Swarm Robotics on Arable Farm Size and Structure in the UK. Contributed Paper prepared for presentation at the 93rd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, University of Warwick, England, 15-17 April, 18 pages.


    Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (2023) Eds Behrendt, K., Paparas D., Mumbi, A., Hill, N., & Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.. Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Food, Land & Agribusiness Management Department, Harper Adams University. HAU Publications, Newport, United Kingdom, 18-19 September 2023, 158 pages. ISBN: 978-1-7398183-4-0

    Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (2022) Eds D Paparas, K. Behrendt. Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Food, Land & Agribusiness Management Department, Harper Adams University. HAU Publications, Newport, United Kingdom, 19-20 September 2022, 224 pages. ISBN:  978-1-7398183-3-3

    Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (2021) Eds K Behrendt, D Paparas. Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Food, Land & Agribusiness Management Department, Harper Adams University. HAU Publications, Newport, UK, 20-21 September 2021. 177 pages. ISBN: 978-1-7398183-2-6

    Proceedings of the 3rd INFER Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures (2020) Eds K Behrendt, D Paparas (Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Land, Farm & Agribusiness Management Department, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK). 131 pages.

    Proceedings of the infer Workshop on Agri-Tech Economics (2019) Eds K Behrendt, D Paparas (Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics, Land, Farm & Agribusiness Management Department, Harper Adams University, Newport, UK). 137 pages.


    Keynote presentation: Implications for Precision Agriculture Applications in Sub-Saharan Africa from 30 years of Research - Prof James Lowenberg-DeBoer (GCRF Networking workshop, Ghana)


    Being a Farmer in the age of robotics and AI - James Lowenberg-DeBoer

    Economic Implications of field size for autonomous arable crop equipment – Abdullah Al-Amin, A. K. M. 

    Economically optimal farmer supervision of crop robots – Elias Maritan 

    Economics of strip cropping with autonomous machines - Abdullah Al-Amin A.K.M.

    Economics of sustainable intensification for small holder argriculture - James Lowenberg-DeBoer

    For further information on the Global Institute for Agri-Tech Economics please contact Professor Karl Behrendt.


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