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    Food waste research


    Investigations into food waste and its socio-economic impact


    Global food waste is estimated to be worth $750 billion per annum (FAO, 2017). Total United Kingdom (UK) household food waste levels increased from 7 million tonnes in 2012, to 7.3 million tonnes of food in 2015 at a monetary value of £13 billion per annum. The impact of food waste goes beyond the monetary. This research is centred on food waste and its economic, environmental, social and political impact. The work involves collaboration with academics from a number of institutions. The resultant publications are listed below. 


    1. Clark, J. and Manning, L. (2018) What are the factors that an opportunity sample of UK students insinuate as being associated with their wastage of food in the home setting? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 130, 20-30
    2. Wood, V., Huang, I., Manning, L., Ward, S., and Randall, N. (2017), Business models for sustainability in food waste management in the food retail industry: key driving factors, BAM 2017 – British Academy of Management, Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences, 5th – 7th September 2017, University of Warwick, UK
    3. Wood, V., Huang, I., Manning, L., Ward, S., and Randall, N. (2017), Business models for sustainability in food waste management in the food retail industry: key factors driving change, Royal Geographic Society Conference, RGS London, 29th August – 1st September 2017.
    4. Soon, J.M., Manning, L., Farag, K., Jackson, E., Dani, S. and Fassam, L. (2016). Reduce surplus food: Linking corporate donors and food banks. Science (E-Letter, 13 July)

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