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    Corporate social responsibility, resilience and sustainability


    Corporate social responsibility is an often used term, but what does it mean in practice? As governance is increasingly seen as more of a market responsibility what does that look like in practice?


    This growing body of research considers the basis of what we believe responsibility to be and where responsibility sits in terms of some of the real challenges the food chain now faces as a result of globalisation, resource use, safety and integrity of food and supply chain resilience.


    1. Manning, L. (forthcoming) Food supply chain fraud: the economic environmental and socio-political consequences in D. Barling ed (2018) Advances in Food Security and Sustainability Volume 3 (London: Academic Press).
    2. Manning L. (2018), Capturing sustainable value: accomodative, adaptive or transformative behaviour in food supply chains. Royal Geographic Society Conference, Cardiff, UK 29-31 August 2018
    3. Manning L. (2018) Decision-making in the supply chain: truth values and organisational relativity INFER Conference, Harper Adams University 1-2 July 2018
    4. Manning, L (2018), Corporate Social Responsibility in Costa, R. and Pittia, P. Eds Food Ethics in Food Studies Education, Springer.
    5. Manning, L. (2018), Systems for sustainability and transparency of food supply chains, in Charis ed. Sustainable Food Systems From Agriculture to Industry, Elsevier 
    6. Clark, J. and Manning, L. (2018) What are the factors that an opportunity sample of UK students insinuate as being associated with their wastage of food in the home setting? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 130, 20-30
    7. Adenle, A.A., Azadi, H. and Manning, L. (2018), The era of sustainable agricultural development in Africa: Understanding the benefits and constraints, Food Reviews International, 34(5), 411-433
    8. Manning, L. (2017). The interaction between organizational sub-cultures and its influence on food safety management, Journal of Marketing Channels, 24, (3-4), 1-10
    9. Manning, L. (2017), Land grabbing and land imperialism: historic and contemporary perspectives in Eds Eastham et al. Contemporary issues in food supply chain management. Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.
    10. Manning L (2017) Land or water grabbing? Emerging geographies of food; Royal Geographic Society, Birmingham 8th November 2017
    11. Wood, V., Huang, I., Manning, L., Ward, S., and Randall, N. (2017), Business models for sustainability in food waste management in the food retail industry: key driving factors, BAM 2017 – British Academy of Management, Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research agenda for the social sciences, 5th – 7th September 2017, University of Warwick, UK
    12. Wood, V., Huang, I., Manning, L., Ward, S., and Randall, N. (2017), Business models for sustainability in food waste management in the food retail industry: key factors driving change, Royal Geographic Society Conference, RGS London, 29th August – 1st September 2017.
    13. Soon, J.M and Manning L. (2017). Whistleblowing as a countermeasure strategy against food crime, British Food Journal, 119 (12), 1-25
    14. Adenle, A.A., Manning, L. and Azadi, H. ( 2017), Agribusiness innovation: A pathway to sustainable economic growth in Africa, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 59, 88-104
    15. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., (2016). Development of sustainability indicator scoring (SIS) for the food supply chain. British Food Journal, 118 (9), 2097-2125
    16. Hamilton-Webb, A., Naylor, R., Manning, L. and Conway J. (2016), Farmers' experience of, and response to climate change in Gloucestershire - conclusions from a mixed method study, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016 30th August – 2nd Sept 2016
    17. Hamilton-Webb, A., Naylor, R., Manning, L. and Conway J. (2016), A conceptual framework to understand farmers' response to climate change risk: A case study of Gloucestershire, England, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016 30th August – 2nd Sept 2016
    18. Soon, J.M., Manning, L., Farag, K., Jackson, E., Dani, S. and Fassam, L. (2016). Reduce surplus food: Linking corporate donors and food banks. Science (E-Letter, 13 July)
    19. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., (2016). Building strategic resilience in the food supply chain. British Food Journal, 116 (6), 1477-1493
    20. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., (2016). Food safety, food fraud and food defense: a fast evolving literature, Journal of Food Science, 81(4) R823–R834
    21. Manning, L., Smith, R., and Soon, J.M (2016). Developing an Organizational Typology of Criminals in the Meat Supply Chain, Food Policy, 59, pp. 44-54
    22. Manning L. (2016), Health and well-being vulnerability of the socio-economically disadvantaged: the role of food, in Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development: the nexus of private and public interests, edited by Lez Rayman-Bacchus and Philip Walsh, Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-84595-4
    23. Manning L. (2015), "Health and well-being vulnerability of the socio-economically disadvantaged: the role of food", Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development Symposium, Ryerson University, Toronto, 7th - 10th June 2015
    24. Manning, L. (2015) "Determining value in the food supply chain", British Food Journal, Vol. 117 (11), 2649 - 2663
    25. Soon, J.M. and Manning, L.J. (2015). Holistic risk assessment: Enabling food policy. EFSA Journal 13(10): s1310, pg. 88.
    26. Manning L. (2015) “What is the water footprint of an apple?” National Association of Cidermakers Conference, Gloucester, 24th February 2015
    27. Faraq, K.W., Pinnock, S. and Manning L. (2015), The labeling of religiously slaughtered meat in the UK: an industry and consumer perspective, Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal, 22 (5), 163-165, 2015
    28. Manning, L. (2014), Consumer and Corporate Social Responsibility in the food supply chain, Food Science and Technology Journal IFST, 28 (1) 42-43
    29. Manning L. (2015) “What is the water footprint of an apple?”      National Association of Cidermakers Conference, Gloucester, 24th February 2015
    30. Manning, L. (2014), Consumer and Corporate Social Responsibility in the food supply chain, Food Science and Technology Journal IFST, 28 (1) 42-43
    31. Manning, L. (2014)  “Water: a vital resource” Malvern Farming Conference, Three Counties Show Ground, Malvern Worcestershire, 14th November 2014
    32. Manning, L. (2014) “Water footprint”, Society of Biology Event, University of Bristol, Bristol, 16th October 2014
    33. Faraq, K.W., Pinnock, S. and Manning L., (2014) The labelling of religiously slaughtered meat in the UK: an industry and consumer perspective. 60th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 17-22rd August 2014, Punta del Este, Uruguay
    34. Manning, L. (2014)  “Water footprint”, Researchers Café - Natural History Museum, London. 11th June 2014 
    35. Manning, L., (2013) "Corporate and consumer social responsibility in the food supply chain" British Food Journal, 115 (1) 2-29 (Awarded Outstanding Paper of the British Food Journal 2014)
    36. LEAF Publication Simply Sustainable Water (2013) – contribution to content – launch Jan 2013
    37. Manning L. (2012), “Water Challenges in the UK”, CLA Big Breakfast, Three Counties Show, June 2012
    38. Aguiar, L.K., de Queiroz Caleman, S.M. and Manning, L., (2012), Sustainability: who is driving it? Paper submitted to 11th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management (WICaNeM 2012) Wageningen, Holland 23/05/12 - 25 May 2012
    39. Manning L. (2012), "Water: an asset or a liability", Wye Preservation Trust, Hereford, 29th November 2012
    40. Manning L., (2012), "Environmental Footprint a restraint on animal welfare?", Proceedings of the UFAW International Symposium. Historic Dockyards, Portsmouth, UK 2011 Animal Welfare, Vol. 21, Supplement 1, (May 2012)
    41. Manning L. (2011), "Keep H2O Low", Farming in Transition, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6 JS,  13th October 2011.
    42. Manning L. (2011), "Environmental Footprint. A constraint on animal welfare". Making animal welfare improvements: Economic and other incentives and constraints. UFAW International Animal Welfare Symposium Historic Dockyard, Portsmouth UK 28-29th June 2011 (poster).
    43. Manning L. (2009), "Water: nutrient resource or key performance indicator", World Poultry Science Association Conference Apr 1st2009 Southport UK
    44. Manning L. (2009), Managing our water footprint, RuSource Briefing
    45. Manning, L. (2009), "Water: nutrient resource or key performance indicator" British Poultry Abstracts 5 (1) 14.  
    46. Manning L. (2008), "The impact of water quality and availability on food production", British Food Journal, 110 (8) 762-780.  
    47. Manning L. (2008) Water footprint in food production. Journal of the IFST, 22, (4) 27-29 Manning L, (2009) The benefits of water quality trading. Journal of the RASE, 170
    48. Manning, L. (2008), Nuffield Report: Water: Managing a vital resource. Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trust. ISBN 13: 9781906466176.
    49. Manning, L. (2008) "Water: Managing a vital resource", Nuffield Farming Scholarship Trust Annual Conference Oct31/Nov1 2008 Exeter, UK 
    50. Manning, L. (2008), "What is your business water footprint?" British Christmas Tree Growers Association Annual Meeting, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire 2008
    51. Manning, L. (2008), "Water: nutrient source or key performance indicator?" Proceedings of the Provimi Poultry Training 24-26 September, Brussels 2008
    52. Manning, L. (2008), "Welfare indicators in poultry production", Recent advances in animal welfare science. UFAW Conference 3rd July 2008 Birmingham UK (poster).
    53. Manning L. and Baines R.N (2007), "Food safety and brand equity" British Food Journal, 109 (7) 496-510.  
    54. Manning L., et al. (2007), "Water consumption in broiler chicken: a welfare indicator" World Poultry Science Journal 63, 63-71
    55. Manning L. et al. (2007), "Trends in the global poultry meat supply chain" British Food Journal 108 (5) 332-342.  
    56. Manning L., et al. (2007), "Benchmarking the poultry meat supply chain" Benchmarking: An International Journal, 15  (2-3) 148-165  
    57. Manning L., et al. (2007), "Key health and welfare indicators for broiler production" World Poultry Science Journal 63, 47-62.
    58. Manning L., et al. (2007) "Quality Assurance: A study of the primary poultry producers’ perspective" British Food Journal, 109 (4) 291-304. 
    59. Manning L. et al. (2006), "Ethical modelling of the food supply chain" British Food Journal, 108 (5) 358-370.  
    60. Manning L., and Baines R.N. (2004), "Globalisation. A study of the poultry meat supply chain" British Food Journal, 106 (10/11) 819-836.   

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