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    Food safety management and food safety culture


    Food safety management and the culture that frames the procedures, processes and management decisions undertaken is e pivotal to ensure that food is safe and wholesome when purchased, prepared and consumed by the general prublic.


    This body of work considers, frames and conceptualises food safety management at all stages of the food chain and the culture that influences how food safety is assessed, managed and mitigated.


    1. Zhu, X., Huang, I.Y and Manning, L. (2018). The role of media reporting in food safety governance in China: a dairy case study, Food Control 96, 165-179
    2. Manning, L. and Wareing, P. (2018) Evolving risk management systems, Food Science and Technology Journal 32(3) pp.
    3. Manning L. (2018) Organisational sub-cultures: their influence on food safety and food integrity management. IAFP Conference. Cardiff Met University 26.09.18
    4. Manning, L. (2018), The value of food safety culture to the hospitality industry, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 10(3), 284-296
    5. Manning, L. (2018), “Triangulation: effective verification of food safety and quality management systems and associated organisational culture, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 10(3), 297-312
    6. Manning, L. and Luning, P. (2018), Chapter 16: Determining farm derived food safety risk. Food safety for the 21st Century: Managing HACCP and Food Safety through the Global Chain, Wallace et al., Wiley Blackwell
    7. Baines, R.N. Manning L. and Soon J. M (2018) Mycotoxin incidents associated with cereals: Lessons learnt and  risk reduction strategies, Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods
       10(1), 1-16
    8. Manning L. (2017) Verification of food safety management systems: alternative approaches .Food Safety & Quality Culture Excellence Seminar 7th December 2017 Campden BRI
    9. Manning L. (2017), Risk perceptions in the food supply chain, The Future of Food Safety Conference, University of Salford 18th May 2017
    10. Manning, L. (2017). The interaction between organizational sub-cultures and its influence on food safety management, Journal of Marketing Channels, 24, (3-4), 1-10
    11. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., (2017). An alternative allergen risk management approach, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 57 (18) 3873-3886
    12. Soon, J.M and Manning, L. (2017) May Contain Allergen Statement: Facilitating or Frustrating Consumers, Journal of Consumer Policy DOI 10.1007/s10603-017-9358-8
    13. Manning, L. (2017). Categorizing food related illness: have we got it right? Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 57 (9), 1938-1949
    14. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., (2016). Food safety, food fraud and food defense: a fast evolving literature, Journal of Food Science, 81(4) R823–R834
    15. Soon, J.M. and Manning, L.J. (2015). Holistic risk assessment: Enabling food policy. EFSA Journal 13(10): s1310, pg. 88.
    16. Manning, L. (2017), Traceability: An essential mechanism to underpin food integrity – Contemporary issues in food supply chain management. Eastham et al. Goodfellow Publishers Ltd.
    17. Soon, J.M., Manning, L. and Wallace, C. (2016), Eds. Foodborne Diseases: Case studies of outbreaks in the agri-food industries. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis 
    18. Manning, L. Wallace, C. and Soon, J.M., (2016), Foodborne Disease Outbreaks: an introduction, in Soon, J.M., Manning, L. and Wallace, C. (2016), Eds. Foodborne Diseases: Case studies of outbreaks in the agri-food industries. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis
    19. Soon, J.M., Manning, L. and Wallace, (2016), Foodborne Disease Surveillance: Early Warning Alert and Response Methods for Developing Countries, in C. Soon, J.M., Manning, L. and Wallace, C. (2016), Eds. Foodborne Diseases: Case studies of outbreaks in the agri-food industries. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis 
    20. Manning, L. and Wallace, C. and Soon, J.M. (2016), Foodborne Disease Outbreaks in Complex Manufacturing Establishments in Soon, J.M., Manning, L. and Wallace, C. (2016), Eds. Foodborne Diseases: Case studies of outbreaks in the agri-food industries. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis 
    21. Wallace, C. Manning, L. and Soon, J.M. (2016), Foodborne Disease Outbreaks: Lessons Learned in Soon, J.M., Manning, L. and Wallace, C. (2016), Eds. Foodborne Diseases: Case studies of outbreaks in the agri-food industries. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis 
    22. Manning L. (2016), Health and well-being vulnerability of the socio-economically disadvantaged: the role of food, in Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development: the nexus of private and public interests, edited by Lez Rayman-Bacchus and Philip Walsh, Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-84595-4
    23. Wright, M., Ibrahim, F., Manning, L., and McKellar, D, (2014), Investigation of the overall effectiveness of food sampling and surveillance in the UK by local and port health authorities, FSA Project, Available at:
    24. Manning, L., Wright, M and McKellar, D (2014) Development of risk-based sampling guidance for enforcement officers, Details available at: (Project duration 2013-2014) details not published by FSA to date.
    25. Wright, M., Manning, L. and McKellar, D. (2014) Risk and impact of internet selling of food. Research report for the Food Standards Agency, (2014), details not published by FSA to date.
    26. Institute of Food Science and Technology Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice 6thEdition – Manning, L. Eds. Editor (2013) ISBN- 9781118318201
    27. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., "(2013) “Development of a food safety verification risk model” IAFP's European Symposium on Food Safety 15-17 May 2013, Marseille, France 
    28. Manning L. (2013) “Food Safety and Nutrition in the Context of the Developing World”. IRD Seminar. RAC 6thMarch 2013
    29. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., (2013), "Mechanisms for assessing food safety risk", British Food Journal, 115 (3) 460-484
    30. Manning, L., (2013), "Development of a food safety verification risk model", British Food Journal, 115 (4) 575-589
    31. Manning, L., and Soon, J.M., "(2013) GAP Framework for fresh produce production" British Food Journal, 115, 6, 796-820
    32. Soon, J.M., Manning, L., Davies, W.P., Baines, R.  (2012) "Fresh Produce-Associated Outbreaks: A Call for HACCP on Farms?" British Food Journal, 114 (4) 553-597
    33. Manning L. (2012), "Auditing is not Inspection", Risk Management and the role of the Auditor, IFST Conference,  Eastwood Park Conference Centre Falfield, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8DA, 11th October 2012.
    34. Manning L. (2011), "The Legal Imperative", The Changing Face of Auditing, IFST Conference,  Eastwood Park Conference Centre Falfield, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8DA, 13th October 2011.
    35. Manning L. (2007), "Food safety and brand equity" British Food Journal, 109 (7) 496-510.  
    36. Institute of Food Science and Technology Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice 5thEdition – Manning, L. Editor (March 2007)
    37. Manning L., et al. (2006), "Food safety management in broiler meat production" British Food Journal, 108 (8) 605-621.  
    38. Baines, R.N., Manning, L., Gregson, J., Chadd, S.A., and Davies, W.P. (2006), "Deliberate contamination of modern food supply chains and the value of quality assurance systems". Royal Agricultural College, UK. International symposium on fresh produce supply chain; management 6-10 December 2006 Lotus Pang Suan Kaeo Hotel Chiang Mai Thailand. Accessible on p154 at:
    39. Manning L., et al. (2005), "Deliberate contamination of the food supply chain" British Food Journal, 107 (4) 225-245.  
    40. Manning L., and Baines R.N. (2004), "Effective management of food safety and quality" British Food Journal, 106 (8) 598-606. 
    41. Manning, L. (2000), Quality Management Systems in the Food and Drink Industry – (Nov 2000) Chandos Publishing.

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