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    Farmer behaviour and factors that influence decision-making


    This area of research considers farmer behaviour and factors that influence decision making. Farmers are often required to mitigate risk on behalf of multiple stakeholders in the supply chain. Farmers, because of the situation in which they work, accept uncertainty with the weather, risk of animal disease etc. and sometimes this mindset is at odds with others in the supply chain that expect risk to be reduced if not eliminated. Indeed some farmers may enjoy the way of life simply because it is so risky and uncertain.


    This work focuses on farmer decision-making and behaviour especially with regards to risk, change and adaption and resilience in light of changing physical and market environments.


    1. Manning L. (2018), Enabling entrepreneurial behaviour in a land-based university, Education and Training
    2. Manning, L. and Parrott, P (2018) The impact of workplace placement on students’ entrepreneurial intention, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based learning, 8(1) pp. 1-16
    3. Hamilton-Webb A., Naylor, R. Manning, L. and Conway J. (2017). Living on the edge: using cognitive filters to appraise environmental risk, Journal of Risk Research, p. 1-17
    4. Smith, R., Manning, L. and McElwee, G. (2017). Critiquing the Inter-Disciplinary Literature on Food-Fraud, International Journal of Rural Criminology, 3 (2) 250-270
    5. Hamilton-Webb, A., Manning, L., Naylor, R., and Conway, J., (2017), The relationship between risk experience and risk response: a study of climate change, Journal of Risk Research, 20 (11) 1379-1393
    6. Adenle, A.A., Azadi, H. and Manning, L. (2017), The era of sustainable agricultural development in Africa: Understanding the benefits and constraints, Food Reviews International,1-23
    7. Adenle, A.A., Manning, L. and Azadi, H. ( 2017), Agribusiness innovation: A pathway to sustainable economic growth in Africa, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 59, 88-104
    8. Manning, L.J and Soon, J.M (2017), Framing illicit behaviour in the rural economy, Rural Crime Seminar, University of Huddersfield 5th-6th September 2017
    9. Hamilton-Webb, A., Naylor, R., Manning, L. and Conway J. (2016), Farmers' experience of, and response to climate change in Gloucestershire - conclusions from a mixed method study, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016 30th August – 2nd Sept 2016
    10. Hamilton-Webb, A., Naylor, R., Manning, L. and Conway J. (2016), A conceptual framework to understand farmers' response to climate change risk: A case study of Gloucestershire, England, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016 30th August – 2nd Sept 2016
    11. Naylor, R., Hamilton-Webb, A., Little, R., Maye, D., Edwards, E., Charles, J., Foy, R., Curzon, S., Reed, M., Manning, L. and Hemmings, A. (2015) Exotic Disease Compensation Review: Behaviours Project - Part 2 (Primary Research) SE4309. Report to Defra
    12. Manning, L. (2014)  “Who drives change in a family farming business?” Farm Business Innovation, Olympia, London, 27th November 2014 
    13. Manning L., (2014) "Knowledge Exchange", Science in Practice NFU Conference, Birmingham 25th February 2014
    14. 2013/T1Manning, L. and Soon, JM. Farmer to Farmer Knowledge Networks  Download Manning and Soon 2012 F2F Networks
    15. 2013/T2 Manning L., Soon, JM and Fisher R. The role of advisors in influencing change in the family farm  Download Manning Soon and Fisher 2013 Role of advisors
    16. Manning, L., (2013) "A knowledge exchange and diffusion of innovation (KEDI) model for primary production", British Food Journal, 115, 4, 614-631
    17. Manning, L. (2013), Communicating with Farmers, Communicator, Winter 2013, 36-39
    18. Manning L. (2012), "Water: an asset or a liability", Wye Preservation Trust, Hereford, 29th November 2012
    19. Manning L. (2012), “Water Challenges in the UK”, CLA Big Breakfast, Three Counties Show, June 2012
    20. Manning L. (2011), "Keep H2O Low", Farming in Transition, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 6 JS,  13th October 2011.
    21. 2010/No 1 Manning L., and Callard A., Enabling knowledge transfer and exchange within the agri-food supply chain  Download Manning and Callard 2010

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