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    Achieving the genetic potential of oilseed rape; an integrated approach to controlling soil borne diseases


    Determined the UK geographical distribution of two fungal pathogens of oilseed rape.


    This project is a collaboration between Harper Adams University and Velcourt, NIAB-TAG, Limagrain and Hutchinsons. Within this project, the UK geographical distribution of two fungal pathogens of oilseed rape will be determined. In addition, several oilseed rape varieties will be examined for their susceptibility to these pathogens and several different control measures will be tested. My role within this large scale project is to detect and quantify the pathogens in the oilseedrape rhizosphere using molecular techniques.

    Funding Body

    Technology and Strategy Board

    Lead Organisation

    Harper Adams University


    Velcourt, NIAB-TAG, Limagrain and Hutchinsons

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