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    Undergraduate Finance

    What help can I get?

    Financial help from the government

    The support you can get will depend on where you live, where and how you study and your household income:

    Students from England

    All applications for funding from Student Finance England are made online at or call 0300 100 0607 for more information.

    For full-time higher education courses, the main types of financial help you can get are:

    Tuition fee loan

    This covers the full amount you are charged for university fees. The amount that you borrow does not depend on household income. The loan is paid directly to Harper Adams University.

    Maintenance loan 

    To help with accommodation, food, travel and other living costs. The amount you can borrow depends on whether you live at home or on campus while you are studying and your household income. The money is paid over three instalments directly into your nominated bank account at the start of each term. 

    There is a useful parental contribution calculator available at

    Students from Wales

    All applications are made online at or call 0300 200 4050 for more information.

    If you are starting a full-time higher education course, the main types of financial help you can get are:

    Tuition fee loan 

    This covers the full amount you are charged for university fees. The amount that you can borrow does not depend on household income. The loan is paid directly to Harper Adams University on your behalf.

    Maintenance support

    This is to help pay towards living costs and is paid directly into your bank account at the start of each term. It is offered in the form of a combination of a loan and a grant.

    Students from Scotland

    All applications are made online at or call 0300 555 0505 for further information.

    For students studying a standard undergraduate degree at a UK institution outside Scotland the support available is:

    Tuition fee loan

    Students can apply for a student loan of up to £9250 to pay for part or all of their fees.

    Bursary and loan

    Students may be eligible for a bursary and student loan. The amount given depends on household income and whether the student is assessed as a ‘Young Student’ or ‘Independent Student’.

    All information can be found at

    Students from Northern Ireland

    All applications are made online at or call 0300 100 0077 for further information.

    For students studying a standard undergraduate degree in England, the support available is:

    Tuition fee loan

    This covers the full cost of your university fees. The amount that you borrow does not depend on household income. This money is paid directly to Harper Adams University. 

    Maintenance loan

    To help with accommodation, food, travel and other living costs. The money is paid over three instalments directly into your nominated bank account at the start of each term.

    Maintenance grant

    To help with accommodation, food, travel and other living costs. the amount that you can receive depends on your household income.

    Students from the Republic of Ireland

    For full-time higher education courses, the main types of support you can get are:

    Tuition fee loan

    Covers the full amount you are being charged for university fees. The amount you can borrow does not depend on household income. This money is paid directly to Harper Adams University.

    Maintenance grant

    To help with the various costs of higher education. Your household income will be assessed when you apply for a maintenance grant but there are also some other conditions.  can help you assess whether you are eligible and guide you through your application. In all cases the official decision is made by the grant-awarding bodies. All applications are made online at or call 0141 243 3570 for further information.

    Tax relief 

    Visit Tuition fees paid for third level education ( to see if you qualify for tax relief for tuition fees paid for third level education.

    EU, international and islands students

    International students - including European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Swiss students

    International, including EU, EAA and Swiss national students are not eligible for any UK government funding and are expected to self-finance their studies. You may, however, be able to apply for our Development Trust and industry scholarships during the course of your studies.

    For more advice on fee status and studying in the UK visit:

    Islands students

    Students from the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man will be charged the same university fee as UK mainland students. However, islands students are subject to different funding arrangements. For information about the support available for tuition and living costs you should contact your relevant education office:


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