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The Technology Enhanced Learning team can help you to introduce electronic assessment within your teaching.
To this effect we otfer four main tools: Questionmark Perception for eAssessment (both computer-based and via 'bubble sheets), GradeMark for electronic marking, PebblePad (Harperfolio) for eFeedback and the Learning Hub quizzes for formative assessment and feedback.
Questionmark is the university’s advanced online assessment tool. The service offers a wide variety of question types from simple yes/no to those including multimedia elements or complex Boolean scoring schemes. Questionmark has been used for formative quizzes that can aid with revision to fully online summative exams that automatically grade students’ answers reducing the amount of time spent marking. There is also a print-and-scan format combining traditional paper-based exam papers with automatic marking. This can remove more than 99% of the marking workload. The quality of the questions chosen can finally assessed using dedicated item analysis software.
The Technology Enhanced Learning team can build assessments for you based on a simple Microsoft Word document or provide you with the software to build your own. Training is also available.
The university’s Turnitin plagiarism detection service also includes at ool to enable the use of online marking of student assignments. A simple drag-and-drop interface allows comment feedback to be added onto the assignment text thus eliminating the need for cumbersome paper copies. Audio-feedback is also possible in Grademark as is the marking on the iPad platform, even when off-line thus adding a level of extra flexibility. There is also a rubric which will automatically calculate students’ scores based on your criteria decisions. GradeMark is suitable for both summative and formative assessments.
Our ePortfolio platform is called HarperFolio and is based on the software PebblePad. It combines tools such document uploading with social networking features to allow an online version of both summative, formative and peer portfolio assessment. Resources and 'assets' can be shared across the platform and iven published externally if required. The blogging tool provides a platform for reflective learning.
The Learning Hub has its own inbuilt tool that makes creating simple quizzes and exploring online assessment straightforward. The quizzes are suitable formative assessment only.
For further information on details of staff training, and for ATP related enquires contact, please contact a member of the team:
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