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Awarded in partnership with Harper Adams Students' Union, the Student Voice Awards were established to recognise staff who make an outstanding contribution to students’ experiences.
Students can nominate staff who have made a difference in their academic life or in their wider day-to-day experience. Staff members can nominate colleagues who make a difference to the student and staff experience at the university. Nominations should be as detailed as possible, as the panel will select winners on the basis of this information. The different award titles have been selected in partnership with the Students’ Union.
Nominations highlight so many excellent individuals and practices. In addition to making the awards, the scheme can pass on your comments to the nominated staff member so that they receive recognition and appreciation. When making a submission consider ticking the consent box so that your words can be passed to the nominee.
Closing date: Noon Friday 21st June 2024
For further information on the award scheme please contact:
Nominations should show how the staff member has supported the wider student experience in some or all of the following ways:
Nominations should show how the staff member has shown excellence in supporting students in assessment and through their feedback, in any or all of the following ways:
Nominations should indicate how the member of staff has innovated to support students in learning, in any or all of the following ways:
Nominations should indicate how the member of staff has demonstrated excellent teaching, this may be through some or all of the following ways:
Nominations should show how the staff member has encouraged the student voice, and how they value student feedback, in any or all of the following ways:
Nominations should indicate how the staff member has championed community and inclusivity in any or all of the following ways:
Nominations should indicate how the staff member has demonstrated considerable efforts and dedication to sustainability at Harper in any or all of the following ways:
Nominations should indicate how the staff member:
This award recognises an individual, from any department, working in any role, who has made a substantial contribution that makes the university a better place to work.
The staff nominator should indicate how the nominee has made a difference to them or to others by acting as a role model to others.
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