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    What will be presented at Moredun Sheep and Cattle Health and Welfare Day?

    3 January 2020

    This coming Thursday, campus will hold the Moredun Sheep and Cattle Health and Welfare Day event, discussing a variety of topics from sheep scabs to disease detection, Orf vaccines to production of sustainable food. Specialist academics will be speaking on the day, sharing leading research and reiterating the need for healthy and protected livestock.

    Dr Emma Bleach of Harper Adams University will be presenting at the event on the early detection of disease in cattle. Using her current research, Emma will highlight how lameness in cows and their lying patterns can indicate symptoms of illness. This work has influenced her research with calves and treating their scours, correlating with their movement which is tracked through motion sensors attached to the calves.

    Emma talked about the significance of the event saying, "Even with ongoing research, there seems to be little significant uptake on farms. By keeping these discussions at the forefront of both farmers and researchers minds, we can reinforce the same story that will help them to care for the cattle and sheep more effectively in the long term."

    To read more about Emma's research, you can read our blog where she discusses how her work influences the lessons she teaches in the classroom, inviting students into the debate around health and welfare. Additionally, to find out more about the monitoring of cattle through the use of a 'cow fit-bit', you can read about Monty Payne, a successful graduate who won the Society of Biology Top Student Award for his work. The work of both staff and students helps to form the think space researchers collaborate in and we are pleased to be hosting the Moredun Sheep and Cattle Health and Welfare Day event to encourage this.

    Registration for the event closes on January 6th so, to confirm your place, please register here.




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