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Please note: This event has been cancelled for 2020
The Food Science Summer School is a free event designed to provide year 12 students with an opportunity to explore the topic of food science and develop understanding of the fascinating and rewarding careers the food industry has to offer.
If you enrol for the Summer School at Harper Adams University you will take part in hands-on food product development, visit a food factory, explore the food chain from farm to fork, and participate in underpinning lectures that shed light on the absorbing world of food science and technology.
After your Summer School experience, you will have a whole new approach to the food you eat and where it comes from.
You will also have enjoyed an immersive university experience- staying on campus for two nights to learn, live, eat, sleep and socialise as a student.
This event has been cancelled for 2020
The Food Science Summer School is free of charge and includes full board accommodation (single occupancy room in halls of residence and meals in the university refectory) for the entire period of the summer school, Monday lunch time until Wednesday lunch time, inclusive.
Travel costs will not be covered by Harper Adams University
The answer depends very much on you, your academic interests and your career intentions. If you are interested in food and would like to understand more of food science and technology and want to know more about careers in the food industry then the Summer School is definitely for you.
At Harper Adams University we would like to receive applications from Year 12 students who have intellectual curiosity and enjoy learning about the world they live in and the food they eat. Applicants will be required to provide a personal statement explaining their interest in food and the food industry.
You can apply by clicking the button below, but be quick as only 17 places are available in total.
Acceptance of applications will be competitive based on subjects studied and on the personal statement
This event is cancelled for 2020
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