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    Staff Directory

    Professor Carrie de Silva

    Ll.B (Hons) MA PGCE FHEA

    Visiting Academic Professor - Real Estate Practice law

    Photograph of Carrie

    Teaching Duties

    • various aspects of law on postgraduate land and property managemetn courses
    • law and taxation on livestock auctioneers' programme
    • short courses and CPD in the property, estate management and equestrian sectors

    Research Interests

    • equine law.
    • occupier's liability, particularly on rural estates and farms - Farmers Club scholarship study.
    • teaching law to non-lawyers.
    • work based learning.
    • health and safety / corporate manslaughter  - particularly on rural estates and farms.
    • history of agricultural education and research.
    • history of women in the professions

    Professional Memberships

    • Association of Law Teachers
    • Agricultural Law Association
    • British Agricultural History Society
    • Central Association of Agricultural Valuers (academic member)
    • Women's History Network
    • British Federation of Women Graduates
    • Worshipful Company of Tax Advisers

    Academic Department: Harper Adams Business School

    Tel: +44 (0)1952 815304

    Fax: +44 (0)1952 814783

    Research profile: ORCID


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    Other publications

    • de Silva, Carrie (2024) . Marjorie Powell (1893-1939), the first women to be admitted to Lincoln’s Inn; academic economist, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
    • de Silva, Carrie (2022) Irene Barclay (1894-1989): the extraordinary career of the first woman chartered surveyor, and the development of the housing management profession. Women's History Reivew 28:1-5
    • de Silva, Carrie (2021) ‘Not my employee, not my liability’: a review of the law of vicarious liability’, its April 2020 Supreme Court airing, and its relevance to the equestrian industry and other small businesses. Denning Law Journal 32(1): 25-49
    • de Silva, Carrie (2021) Mary ‘Pollie’ Hirst Simpson (1874-1947), the first agricultural adviser to the Women’s Institute Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
    • de Silva, Carrie (2019) A Short History of Agricultural Education and Research in the UK: some key events, institutions and publications from the 16th to the 21st centuries
    • de Silva, Carrie (2019) Equine Law: an introduction to aspects of law and taxation relating to horse, rider and the small equine business.
    • de Silva, Carrie (2018) Negligent valuation de-constructed: What is negligence at law? What are the practicalities in helping to avoid a claim? Journal of Building Survey, Appraisal and Valuation 7
    • de Silva, Carrie (2018) Before and after Mirvahedy v Henley: the history, controversy and practice of strict liability. Contempory Issues in Law 14, iss 3, pp167-190
    • de Silva, Carrie (2018) Irene Barclay (1894-1989), the first woman to qualify as a chartered surveyor in the United Kingdom Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
    • de Silva, Carrie (2016) Mary Glynne (1897-1991), a crop research scientist at Rothamsted Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
    • de Silva, Carrie (2016) Health and Safety Casebook: key Cases from 1837 to 2016 with particular reference to the land-based industries.
    • de Silva, Carrie (2014) Educating the Chartered Surveyor: looking back to look forward. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 6
    • de Silva, Carrie (2012) Health and Safety - Teaching Law, Educating for Prevention. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment 4
    • de Silva, Carrie (2010) Livestock and public access: why does strict liability exist as a legal principle, what is ‘reasonable’ care and should livestock keepers be concerned about recent court decisions? Journal of Farm Management 14
    Additional Information

    Research projects


    You can contact Professor Carrie de Silva if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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