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    Staff Directory

    Professor Peter Kettlewell

    BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA

    Professor of Crop Physiology

    Photograph of Peter

    Teaching Duties

    PhD student supervision - currently main supervisor (Director of Studies) of:

    • Misbah Sehar - The role of pollen starch accumulation in responses of wheat to water stress and antitranspirants
    • Favour Olu Olusegun - Potential for amelioration by antitranspirants of stress-induced potato tubers disorders
    • Ed Toreveyi - Potential for pre-harvest prediction of potato storage disorders

    Research Interests

    Understanding and applying physiology to:

     reduce crop drought stress

     retard crop plant growth 

    Professional Memberships

    • Fellow Higher Education Academy

    Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment

    Research: Crop Science Group

    Office: AY02 Ancellor Yard

    Research profile: ORCID


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    Additional Information

    I am a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board for the €18M CONSUS Digital Agriculture project based at University College Dublin, Ireland



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