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    Vice-Principal's Brazil talks

    Posted 12 April 2012

    Harper Adams Vice Principal, Professor Peter Mills, discussed student exchanges and research partnerships with 20 Brazilian universities, recently.

    Professor Mills travelled to São Paulo where he spent a week exploring the opportunities available through the ‘Science without Borders’ scheme run by the Brazilian government. This will fund 75,000 Brazilian students to study abroad with 10,000 of these coming to the UK.

    The mission to Brazil was funded by UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), which helps companies to bring high quality investment to the UK.

    During the week, Professor Mills also visited capital city, Brasília, and the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of São Paulo, Piracicaba. 

    Professor Mills said: “Brazil is an extremely important country for global agricultural products so it can only be beneficial for us both if we can secure a series of student exchanges and research partnerships.

    “Bringing together complimentary expertise from across the world is an exciting opportunity for Harper Adams.”


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