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Posted 17 December 2013
A PhD student from Harper Adams University claimed the prize for the ‘Best Presentation’ at the 2013 PhD Seminar Programme last week.
Priya Motupalli, funded by the Barham Benevolent Foundation and DairyCo - a division of the AHDB, was honoured for her summary of her three-year study into ‘The factors that influence dairy cow preference to be indoors or at pasture.’
AHDB Chief Scientist and event judge, Professor Ian Crute, presented Priya with a glass trophy and certificate at an awards dinner held on the first evening of the two-day conference. The event was organised by AHDB’s beef and lamb (EBLEX), dairy (DairyCo) and pig (BPEX) divisions, Meat Promotion Wales (Hybu Cig Cymru - HCC) and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).
Professor Crute, said: “The judges were unanimous in deciding that Priya gave the best of a wide range of accomplished, assured performances delivered by this year’s PhD programme.
“We also agreed that, in anticipating an excellent crop of research trained new entrants, the industry was going to be in good hands for the future. Equally important, AHDB and its collaborative funders can expect this spread of top quality studies to deliver a range of innovative opportunities with practical relevance to industry.”
Commenting on her success, Priya, said: “I’m grateful to have received this prize, especially as I was competing against a talented group of scientists and presenters.
“Communicating science to a broad audience is a particularly important skill and it’s wonderful to have my work acknowledged in this manner. I give my sincerest thanks to the judging panel.”
The work of more than 50 PhD students was presented to more than 100 industry leaders and academics in this annual celebration of the £1.5m-a-year
cross-sector studentship programme run by the divisions within AHDB.
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