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Posted 4 July 2014
“A consistent graduate employment record means that future students and their families can have real confidence in their own prospects at the end of the course.”
New figures released this week have confirmed Harper Adams University’s position as the leading specialist university for graduate employment in its sector.
Harper Adams is the only specialist agri-food and rural studies university to have achieved 96 per cent or higher graduate employability for the last three years.
“The consistency of a university’s graduate employment record is very important to students considering where to study,” said Lorraine Westwood, Director of Marketing and Communications. “They won’t be graduating for another three or four years, so need to know that the institution they choose has a proven ability to prepare graduates for good careers.
“We’re proud that Harper Adams has been in the top ten per cent of universities in the UK for graduate employment over the last three years, and was in the top two per cent during one of those years.
“A consistent graduate employment record means that future students and their families can have real confidence in their own prospects at the end of the course.”
Figures released yesterday from the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education survey, completed in January this year, showed that 96.2per cent of the Harper Adams Class of 2013 were employed six months after graduation.
All graduates are contacted to complete the survey, and 97.8 per cent of Harper Adams students took part. Mrs Westwood added: “This is the highest response rate in the whole of the UK – meaning that the Harper Adams survey result is the most accurate, because students who have not responded cannot be accounted for and might have skewed the results for some universities.
“It is pleasing that our alumni continue to feel connected to Harper Adams after leaving and want to keep us informed of their successes.”
Learn about the careers Harper Adams University degrees can lead to, and hear first-hand experiences from current and former students in our dedicated careers guide www.3point7m.com
See the detail of this year’s graduate employment figures here.
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