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    Graduation 2015

    Posted 28 September 2015

    The students graduating today should be very pleased with their achievements, it’s a big milestone."

    Watch the video on our YouTube channel.

    Graduates with First Class Honours

    Meet some of the graduating students in the video above. 

    Watch the full ceremony here 

    The class of 2015 graduated from Harper Adams University on Friday, when more than 600 students were celebrated by peers, staff, family and friends. 

    Leading the proceedings, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Roger Mercer, gave his congratulations to graduating students.

    “As a parent, I have always felt that it is vital to firstly educate your children as well as you can. Secondly to teach them to do a day’s work and lastly, to put opportunities in front of them. The graduates leaving today are ready to seize those opportunities and I would urge parents and employers to encourage them and allow them to do so. My time at Harper Adams has stood me in good stead and it will for all you students graduating today.”

    Mr Mercer also added some words of thanks, noting that this was his last graduation ceremony as a Governor: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as a governor and particularly the last four years as chairman. It has been extremely rewarding… I would like to thank the Vice-Chancellor and his team, both academic and support staff, who work so hard to make this institution the success that it is. They all put a huge effort in on behalf of the students and the university. I would also like to thank my fellow governors who so generously give up their time.”

    An honorary degree was awarded to Professor Dame Julia Slingo, Chief Scientist at the Met Office, who said: “It’s really exciting to be here today – Harper Adams is a great place. I can see that the university is doing really important work that all relates to what I do. I work in weather and climate and it’s hard to think of a subject that is more relevant to agriculture. And as we go into a changing climate and having to feed more and more people, it will be really important that my science talks to what Harper Adams is doing.”

    To the graduating students, Dame Julia added: “Work hard, do your best and don’t plan your career too much, because life throws us many opportunities that you can never anticipate, but if you work hard and do your best you will always do well.”

    Dame Julia congratulated each student as their degrees were conferred. 

    Also in receipt of an honorary degree was Professor Hugh Pennington, the microbiology expert who led the investigation into the 1996 e-coli outbreak. 

    He said: “This is a great honour – the best thing that has happened for a long time! The students graduating today should be very pleased with their achievements, it’s a big milestone. I am sure they will all get good jobs. But when you get a good job, you have got to work hard – and I am sure that is one of the things they will have learned at Harper Adams. Graduates, the opportunities have been presented to you and it is now for you to take them.”

    Professor Pennington added: “The food industry is a great British success. It does not get the publicity is deserves. All of the new projects being developed here at Harper Adams University are going to make it even more successful. It is down to the new graduates to make that so!”

    University Vice-Chancellor, Dr David Llewellyn, said to the students: “Congratulations on your graduation.  Thank you for acting as such good ambassadors for the University during your time with us, a role that we hope will continue as you embark on your careers.  Good luck for the future, and please stay in touch.”

    The final vote of thanks was given by student president Sandy Graham, who led a standing ovation for all of the graduates’ parents and guardians, before inviting them all to a final party in the campus bar. 


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