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Posted 21 October 2015
We have a lot of common interests with Brazilian researchers in the methods for biological control, including using viruses and fungi which attack the insects”.
Brazilian researchers have been visiting Harper Adams to share knowledge on biological control of insect pests.
Research Co-ordinator Professor Peter Kettlewell and Senior Lecturer in Entomology, Dr Rob Graham, recently hosted two staff, Dr Everton da Silva and Jucelaine Haas, from the agricultural-focused Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR).
Professor Kettlewell said: “Biological control is increasingly important all over the world as insect pests of crop plants become resistant to chemical insecticides. Biological control is one way to overcome this problem and help maintain food crop production”.
A Brazilian PhD student from the Federal University of Viçosa, Fabio Pinto is also working with Dr Graham in the laboratories for two months through the Science Without Borders scheme - a Brazilian Government scholarship programme.
Dr Graham said “We have a lot of common interests with Brazilian researchers in the methods for biological control, including using viruses and fungi which attack the insects”.
Mr Pinto added: “I chose Harper Adams due to the opportunity to work with Dr Graham, one of the main researchers involved in an important research partnership between Brazil and the UK. Here, I will have all the support I need to do my part of this research project.
“My main goals for the two months are to complete my research and get satisfactory results, make new professional contacts and to allow other Brazilian students to know about Harper Adams University.
“I am enjoying my experience at Harper Adams. The structure and services of the university are very good, as is the quality of life in this region.”
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