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Posted 6 July 2017
“I’m looking forward to the opportunity to work in the operational side of an organisation sourcing products as well as assisting members during my placement year."
Two Harper Adams University students have been awarded the first Anglia Farmers scholarships, which includes a placement year with the organisation.
Sarah Burton, 20, BSc (Hons) Business Management with Marketing student and Emily Miller, 20, BSc (Hons) Agriculture with Farm Business Management, were awarded the scholarships after submitting applications and attending interviews.
Sarah, from Kelso, Scottish Borders, said: “I first became aware of Anglia Farmers last year, when Clarke Willis came to speak at Harper. I found his talk incredibly engaging, and it was what made me consider a career purchasing, so I waited for their placement applications to open this year.
“I’m looking forward to the opportunity to work in the operational side of an organisation sourcing products as well as assisting members during my placement year.
“I haven’t had any experience of working within a co-operative and I look forward to seeing the relationship between a co-operative and members. It’s different because products and services are passed onto members at cost price, which is unlike anything I’ve seen or studied so far. I’m looking forward to seeing how the membership system works, and how a procurement organisation has scaled up its operation to 3,500 shareholder members without losing the personal element.”
Emily, from Frinton-on-Sea, Essex, said: "The supply sector is interesting to me because I believe that getting supply right is one of the fundamental parts of running an efficient and successful business. In the business modules I’m studying we look at the viability of businesses and ways in which they can improve.
“Finding a way for farmers to get inputs while saving money is an essential part of efficiency and Anglia Farmers offers a solution to this by using 65 specialist buyers to accumulate £250 million of inputs annually for their co-operative members.
“I’m looking forward to working with Anglia Farmers as it has a broad scope across the whole of the agricultural industry. Every type of enterprise that operates on farms requires inputs which means that the sector offers a wide range of opportunity.”
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