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Posted 16 September 2021
Courses at Harper Adams University have rated highly in this year’s Guardian University Guide Subject League tables.
In the tables – released at the weekend – Harper Adams’s courses in the Agriculture, Forestry and Food category were given a top 10 placing overall, and a top five rating for students finding graduate-level jobs or further study at graduate or HE Level after 15 months.
The successes are the latest across a range of league tables and awards the university has marked in the past 12 months, including two shortlistings for November’s Times Higher Education Awards, being voted the best university in the country in the Student Crowd awards in July, and securing strong performances in both this year’s Graduate Outcomes figures and National Student Survey.
Dr Russell Readman, Course Manager for Agriculture at Harper Adams, said: “It is pleasing to see that our Agriculture courses are again rated in the top 10 for best UK universities for agriculture forestry and food.
“This reflects the applied nature of the courses that demonstrate principles in practice, the range of specialist staff and facilities to underpin agriculture teaching, and the core placement period.
“This ensures that graduates are work ready and have the necessary knowledge, understanding & skills to address the challenges agriculture is facing going forward.”
And Rebecca Payne, Head of the recently-launched Department of Food, Land and Agri-Business Management, added: “I am delighted with this result.
“It is confirmation that our courses are resonating with students as well as delivering real learning gain and significant post-graduation opportunities in the food sector.
“Our graduates are working across the supply chain in a variety of exciting roles - where they make a real difference and support consumers to make healthier and more sustainable food choices.”
Meanwhile, the University’s Mechanical Engineering courses saw a top 30 placing overall, rising nine places on its 2021 placing. Harper Adams students in this category also registered the second highest satisfaction rate for the quality of their course in the UK.
Head of Engineering, Parmjit Chima, said: “We are delighted to see our courses climb the tables – and to see how satisfied our students are with their course. Our courses meet the exacting standards which employers expect from our graduates and are hands-on, practical and academic.
“Our courses are about solving real world challenges and problems in the 21st century. Employers recognise that – and I am pleased that this placing does too.”
For prospective students who want to find out more about Harper Adams courses the next, in-person, on-campus Undergraduate Open Day at the University will be held on Saturday, October 9 – for more information and to book click here.
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